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Iran nuclear deal divides U.S., world leaders

The so-called P5 Plus 1 leaders the United States, France, China, Russia, Britain and Germany emerged from the meeting rooms of Vienna with a unanimous Iran nuclear agreement, but reaction from the rest of the world has been mixed.

'World heaved a sigh of relief,' Vladimir Putin says, but Israel remains the most vocal opponent

Officials comment on Iran deal

9 years ago
Duration 2:40
Cautious optimism expressed by most politicians

World leaders are hailing a major victory fordiplomacy with the signing of a"historic" deal to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions in exchange for relief from crippling economic sanctions.

While the so-called P5 Plus 1leaders the United States, France, China, Russia, Britain and Germany emerged from the meeting rooms of Viennawithaunanimous agreement Tuesday, reaction around the world has been divisive:

United States

In a public address on Tuesday morning,U.S. President Barack Obamasaid the deal is "not built on trust; it is built on verification."

Obama made a huge gamble in choosing to pursue negotiations with Iran, enduring taunts from Republican opponents in Congress over what they call his "weak" leadership.

After years of slow-bubbling, tough negotiations, the agreement has to jump a final hurdle in the U.S. Lawmakers in Congress must review andapprove the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action leaving lots of room for heated rhetoric ahead of a decision on whether Iran will be folded back into the international community. However, Obamathreatened to veto any legislation that would get in the way of the deal's implementation.

"I will remind Congress that you don't make deals like this with your friends," he said.

"We do not have to accept an inevitable spiral into conflict. And we certainly shouldn't seek it. And precisely because the stakes are so high, this is not the time for politics or posturing.Tough talk from Washington does not solve problems.Hard-nosed diplomacy, leadership that has united the world's major powers offers a more effective way to verify that Iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon."

As expected, the U.S. Republican Party is harshly criticizing the nuclear agreement.

Speaker of the House of Representatives JohnBoehnersaid thedealemboldensthe world's "largest sponsor of terror."

"Instead of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons in the Middle East, this deal is likely to fuel a nuclear arms race around the world,"Boehnersaid in a statement.

He said the House would examine the agreement closely, promising to "fight a bad deal that is wrong for our national security and wrong for our country."

Even some members of Obama's own Democratic Partyare skeptical.

Democrats, including Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, have cautiously congratulated the president's efforts, but maintained they would closely review the agreement in the coming weeks.


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has dismissed claims that the Islamic Republic sought to make atomic weapons under its nuclear program.

Speaking live in a nationwide televised address Tuesday, Rouhani said: "Iran has never sought to manufacture a nuclear weapon and will never seek to manufacture a nuclear weapon."

He added: "The whole world knows very well that manufacturing a nuclear bomb ... is considered forbidden."

The comment came during a speech in which Rouhani sought to appease hard-liners about the nuclear deal's merits.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Tuesday's nuclear deal with Iran a 'stunning historic mistake.' (Ahikam Seri/Associated Press)
Israel has been the most vocal and active opponent ofnegotiationswith Iran, saying anynuclear deal and lifting of sanctionswould pose an existential threat to the country.Iranian officials repeatedly have threatened to destroy Israel in the past. Iran also backs militant groups that attack it.

IsraeliPrime Minister BenjaminNetanyahusaid it is a "stunning historic mistake."

An accord with Iran, he said on Tuesday,will allow it "to continue to pursue its aggression and terror in the region."


Defence Minister Rob Nicholson said Canada appreciates the efforts made by the P5 Plus 1 countries to reach the agreement, but will"judge Iran by its actions, not its words."

Nicholson said in a statement released Tuesday thatthe government"will continue to support the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency to monitor Iran's compliance with its commitments.

"Iran continues to be a significant threat to international peace and security owing to the regime's nuclear ambitions, its continuing support for terrorism, its repeated calls for the destruction of Israel, and its disregard for basic human rights," he said, adding that Canada will examine the deal further before taking any specific action.


BritishPrime Minister David Cameron said "persistent diplomacy and tough sanctions" delivered a "historic deal with Iran."

"A deal which secures our fundamental aim to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and that will help to make our world a safer place."

High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iranian ambassador to IAEA Ali Akbar Salehi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov were among leaders who capped more than a decade of on-off negotiations with an agreement that could potentially transform the Middle East. (Leonhard Foeger/Reuters)

Saudi Arabia

The Gulf state, which has been a regional rival toIran for decades,said it supported an agreement to stop Tehran gaining nuclear weapons, but emphasized the importance of a strict inspections regime and the ability toreimposesanctions.

The comments, attributed to "an official source" by the state-run Saudi Press Agency, also stressed that sanctions relating to terrorism and violation of international arms treaties would remain intact. It was the first official Saudi reaction to the agreement between major powers and Tehran.


"Theworld heaved asigh ofrelief today," Russian President Vladimir Putinsaid in a statementon the Kremlin'swebsite.

"Despite theattempts tovalidate any scenarios based ontheuse offorce, theparties tothenegotiations made achoice infavour ofstability andco-operation, which will be reflected inacorresponding UN Security Council resolution."

Russia wants to expand military co-operation and arms sales with Tehran, includingthe long-delayed transfer of S-300 advanced air defence systems. As such, Putin concludedhis country "will do everything inits power toensure thefull implementation oftheVienna agreements."


The spokesman for Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi says the nuclear deal will be "a catalyst for regional stability."

Saad al-Hadithi toldThe Associated Press that the landmark agreement is "an important step" and will lead to better unity in the fight against terrorism.

A U.S.-led coalition is conducting airstrikes in Iraq against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria while neighbouring Iran provides extensive logistical support on the ground. Despite their shared interests in defeating ISIS and Syria, coalition nations havenot worked directly with Iran, Iraq's biggest ally, even whilenegotiations were underway in Vienna.

United Nations

SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moonsaidTuesday the agreementis "testament to the value of dialogue," and admired the "courage of the leaders" who approved the deal.

Agencies and inspectors with the world body are responsible for ensuring that Iran complies with restrictions laid out in the accordand the UN affirmed its commitment to fully co-operate with all parties.

"I hope and indeed believe that this agreement will lead to greater mutual understanding and cooperation on the many serious security challenges in the Middle East. As such it could serve as a vital contribution to peace and stability both in the region and beyond," said Ban.

With files from The Associated Press, Reuters