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Back of the Pack: Too much of a good thing?



Too much of a good thing?

Comments (6)
By Peter Hadzipetros

The key for men to make it to 85 without relying on someone else to bathe, feed and dress them is to stay trim and active, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

There are other factors — including not smoking, easing up on the booze, having a strong grip and being married — but it's the exercise aspect that interests me.

Is it a case of the more you exercise the better your odds? Sort of like my grandmother's attitude to diet foods back in the 1960s. She figured if it said "diet" on the label, the more you ate, the more weight you would lose. Grandma didn't exactly have an hourglass figure. Then again, I haven't met too many Greek grandmothers who do.

Still, she made it to almost 100 — without exercising.

I've picked the exercise route, partially because I am very much like my father, who was morbidly obese when a heart attack felled him at age 66. I've been working pretty hard to keep my latent obesity at bay. I'll appease it with the odd big bag of barbecue potato chips — and then run 10 miles the next day to wipe out most of those calories.

People tend to believe that if you exercise regularly, you're less likely to get sick than if you spend your days on the couch watching TV. And there are studies that back that up.

The key is "moderate" exercise. Going overboard can actually suppress the immune system and make you more susceptible to picking up colds and other nasty viruses.

The anecdotal evidence is there. Among the group of people I run with on Sunday mornings, there are bound to be a couple felled by a cold or sinus infection the week after a marathon.

I had gone illness-free for a good two years, until last January. One evening, I noticed a slight wheezing when I was out for an easy run. Within a week, I was knocked flat by the worst bronchial infection I've ever had.

Felt so sick, I even picked out the spot on one of my regular running routes where I wanted the memorial tree planted.

Some researchers suggest that extreme exercisers may be putting themselves at an even greater risk. If you exercise for more than 90 minutes, they say, your immune system pays the price as your body seeks ways to keep going.

One researcher is trying to determine whether there's a link between over-exercising and cancer. A former director of the Western States 100-mile race noticed that a disturbing number of people he knew who competed in the race had developed some form of cancer. The theory is way too much exercise may cause changes to the structure of your cells, opening the door to the mutations that could lead to cancer.

People who like to run marathons or compete in triathalons tend not to understand the definition of the word moderate.

Fortunately, I do. It's running 110 K a week or less.

Yet another study will give people who train for and compete in marathons and triathalons cause for concern. A team of researchers at the Medical University in Graz, Austria has found that marathon runners face an increased risk of developing skin cancer — mainly due to longer exposure to the sun. But they haven't ruled out the effects of intense training on the immune system.

The highest risk was for people who trained more than a moderate 70 kilometres a week. The researchers — all avid runners — advise outdoor exercisers to use sunscreen and to do as much of their training as possible when the risk from the sun is lowest (early mornings or evenings). They found a little more than half the people in their study used sunscreen regularly.

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Comments (6)

Mark Rogers


Good article.
Immune supression occurs at around 90 min/day of moderate jogging or 3-4 hours/ day of walking. The psyche is almost certainly involved and the perception of stress in our lives is probably the culprit. The running gives relief by using up epinephrine and releasing endorphins but only to a certain point. That point is where the running becomes the stress. People can get addicted to the stress relief from a hormone shift in the bloodstream and just like drug use, you need more and more to feel the effects. This all adds up to something we already knew. That is moderation is the key.

Posted November 21, 2006 01:18 PM

rebecca fleming


I think there might be other factors involved in the fact that people who exercise a lot get sick more often. Anybody I've known who has been a hardcore fitness zealot has also been someone who puts a lot of pressure on themselves, someone who is probably setting themselves up to be under a lot of stress...and we all know how bad stress is for you.

I think there is a lot to be said for knowing what you've got to do to stay healthy, but not being fanatical about it. It is a very difficult balance to strike, but I think those that manage to find that middle ground are the ones that live healthily into their 80s and 90s.

Posted November 20, 2006 01:27 PM



Good article. Turned 48 yesterday. 6' and a hair tall, 175lbs. Last year 197lbs and the previous year 209. I've never weighed less than 200 lbs since grade 11. Thought I was 5-10 lbs overweight. Turned out to be 35 or so..

Exercise at lunch 4 times a week. Less than an hour including a quick shower combined with a slight modification and moderation of food and drink. Minor longterm changes and benefits.

BMI of 25 is around 188

Posted November 20, 2006 10:07 AM

Pat Landymore

If you dig around on the 'net, there is some research out there showing a decrease in bone marrow activity in athletes running more than 60 miles/100km per week. The direct result is low white blood cell count, which leads to suppressed immune system activity. Apparently the shock loading on the large bones of the leg is the cause. No wonder people training for the 100 mi events are getting sick, 60 miles may not even be a "long" training run for some of these folks!

This is supported by anecdotal evidence from many runners and triathletes who often get sick if the run more than 60-70 miles per week.

Depending on your running pace, this could be as little as 6-8 hours of exercise per week. Most swimmers and cyclists log far more hours than that in a week, and for cyclists sometimes in a single workout.

Bottom line is running is far harder on the body than most other forms of exercise, even when all are conducted at similar heart rates.

It looks like there is now another good reason for cross training.

Posted November 19, 2006 12:45 PM

Rita Law

Does it have something to do with all those "free radicals" let loose to cope with all that extra oxygen?

Posted November 18, 2006 11:16 AM

randy moffatt


as i aproch 50
i notice the most healthiest older people are the ones who don,t smoke or drink eat and exercise moderately. in short lead a very active lifestyle.

Posted November 18, 2006 10:26 AM

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