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Back of the Pack: Live from the Toronto Waterfront Marathon



Live from the Toronto Waterfront Marathon

Comments (11)
By Peter Hadzipetros

This is my 16th marathon, but my first while blogging from the course using a Bluetooth headset.

It's also the first time that a Canadian marathon will be broadcast live from start to finish — on CBC Country Canada and on CBCSports.ca.

It could also prove to be the fastest marathon ever run on Canadian soil. A strong men's elite pack will pose a serious challenge to the current mark of 2:09:55. The women's mark of 2:26:01 could fall as well — three of the elite women have posted times either under or just over that mark.

And while that's unfolding, I'll follow a pace rabbit, a guy whose job is to bring in runners at a time of three hours and 30 minutes, which is good enough for any woman — and any man 45 or older — to qualify for the Boston Marathon. Maybe not the drama of the elites chasing big prize money — but still drama on some level.

6:50 a.m. ET (10 minutes to start)

This is the time of day when you're wondering what you're doing, and wondering if it's too late to turn back. Making my way to the starting corral, I'm thinking that three and a half hours is a long time. This is when I start worrying that the coffee I had this morning will come back to haunt me. Why am I doing this, again?

7:08 a.m. ET

I've found the 3:30 pace bunny, and I'm off. It's 14 degrees and there's not too much wind or humidity. The conditions are perfect for most people, anyway. As far as I'm concerned, it's a little too warm. After all, the temperature will be going up a bit as the race goes on. And, silly me, I forgot my hat, so the sun could become a factor for me in the later stages. When it's beating down on you over the course of a race, the sun can really wear you down.

7:32 a.m. ET

Just passed the 6K mark, and the pack has started to thin out. The first 5K was really thick with people, which makes it tough. You have to really watch yourself, or else you'll get tripped or you'll trip yourself. It's not quite elbow to elbow, but we have 12,000 people on three lanes of road, so things get a little tight. You see all kinds of people at a marathon. A guy passed me about 2K back looked like he was wearing ballet slippers. He was moving. Light on his feet.

7:47 a.m. ET

It's going to be a long day. I just passed the 9K mark and, as I was doing that, on the other side of Lakeshore Boulevard the lead pack for the half marathon was passing by on their way home. They had about 5K to go, so their work will be done in about 15 minutes or so. I've got about 2:45 to go. So, yeah, it's going to be a long day.

8:05 a.m. ET

I'm at 13K, and the race is beginning to take its toll. Not on me, though - I've actually picked up the pace a bit. But one runner must have been a little sore - he went off the road to run on the softer grass.

8:30 a.m. ET

We just passed 18K, and the part where the marathon and half marathon split. So the half marathoners are going home, while we have a ways to go. We've got the bulk of the race ahead of us the lonely part where you feel it's a struggle. But you come across things in a race that put it in perspective and make you feel better. I ran the last 2-3K with a guy from Toronto named Mike who was pushing his daughther, Amanda, in a wheelchair. This is the fourth time he's done that at this race, and the ninth time overall. He's done it four times in Boston as well. So when you feel a little sore, you think about that and you know you can do a little bit better.

8:58 a.m. ET

Just passed by the leaders going the other way. I'm only 15K behind them! They're really moving, but they're just a little over a 2:10 pace, so in order to break the record they'll have to pick it up. The race really unfolds over the final 5K. Someone will make a move to try and drop the pack. Those that can stay up will have a shot. Looks like we'll have an exciting finish coming up.

9:03 a.m. ET

Just saw the Joggler at the 30k mark. He's looking good. Looks like he's on pace to break the joggling record.

9:18 a.m. ET

As we approach 29K the sun is beating down and there's still a ways to go. Trying to stay cool. Still hanging on to the pace.

9:39 a.m. ET

I'm in the last 10K, approaching the final turnaround to head back downtown the homestretch, so to speak. We're now in uncharted territory, at least by my training. I haven't gone over 32K in several months, so this is where determination comes into play. So far I'm managing to hang onto the pace. Although I'm really, really looking forward to the finish.

10:02 a.m. ET

5K to go and I can't say I've hit the wall, but I keep sliding off one that someone puts up every couple hundred metres or so. I've been on my feet now for three hours and two minutes. If I'm able to maintain pace, I should be done in 25 minutes. Heading back towards downtown, every bit of shade right now is very welcome. There's no breeze and it's really warm.

10:16 a.m. ET

The signs of fatigue - you can see them in people. It's in their gait, in the way they reach for a cup of water and can't get their arm up very high. Just before the 40K mark a runner was down, being worked on. He was conscious, but he had hit the wall head on. At this point Im going on fumes. But the finish is not far. I see the 40K sign. I've got about 10 minutes to go. I've got to hang on for 10. See ya at the finish.

10:27 a.m. ET

There's no better feeling than coming around the corner and seeing the finish up ahead. I just passed the 400 meters to go sign, and 300 metres is coming up. I'm all alone right now. There's a guy about 150m ahead of me, and I don't know about behind me because I'm not looking back at this point. 300 to go now. No matter how often you feel during a marathon, it's amazing how in the last little bit you can reach down and find something.

10:33 a.m. ET

My final time was 3:28:21, which was about a minute and a half quicker than I was planning. The last four or five K were a bit rough, so I lost so time there, but not too much. In the end I feel good. And I didn't throw up, so that's a bonus.

10:50 a.m. ET

It's about 25 minutes after the fact, and now that didn't seem so bad! I'm not so sore anymore. In another 25 minutes I'll be ready for a nice greasy breakfast and I'll start thinking about my next marathon. That's the thing with this whole marathon business after a day like today, putting out the energy I did, I can spend the rest of the day with my face in the fridge and not replace the calories I burned. That's a good day for me.

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Comments (11)

Michael Brennan


Well done on the consistent pacing to hit your time! And to have done it while blogging your complaints about lack of training is impressive. Amazing how the mind can sort through all the confusion in our heads and still lead us to a great finish. Keep the pace!

Posted October 9, 2007 04:52 PM




Running your 17th marathon is impressive ... but blogging while running? I think you're in an elite category there!

Posted October 3, 2007 04:23 PM



Good job! Nothing sweeter than finishing just a shade under the target time. Your 6km posting reminded me of London 2005 - 35,000+ runners on English roads! I wonder if you now target a quicker time, or seek to hang onto your impressive time as you get older...

Posted October 3, 2007 04:11 PM

Bob Glazier


Hi Peter,

I enjoy reading your columns ever since someone told me I was a Glazier Index. Now I know I have inspired you to go faster than myself -but in my case that's age taking it's toll.
Interestingly enough, you should check the WAVA tables and see how we compare comparatively.
Your experience in the Waterfront Marathon was interesting as I know multitasking in a race like that must be hard.
Keep up the column as we really need more exposure for our sport.
One last comment - the Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon was truly a spectacular event and "World Class". I was very impressed with it - I ran the Half.


Bob Glazier - your muse.

Posted October 1, 2007 07:56 PM

Jeffrey Tonner


Great to hear you did a full marathon. My father slowly and "unintentionally" guilted me into a half marathon. At the end I wanted to saw my legs off. But I'm thinking that maybe I'll train for a full marathon?

No-one talks about aches and pains but only the glory so maybe I'll try it.

Good work Peter! You made us Torontonians proud!

P.s. How did you do a live blog with a bluetooth? I'm curious.

Posted October 1, 2007 05:38 PM


Good job

Posted October 1, 2007 01:21 PM



On a beautiful fall day in Timmins Ontario, my running partner and I went for a brisk, hilly 12K trail run while our respective spouses played a round of golf. Funny how I feel like a slob for only doing that.
Great job and continued success. Effort makes us good, goals make us better.

Posted October 1, 2007 07:40 AM



Way to go Peter, that's wicked. I just ran my first half-marathon this a.m. at the STWM. I did really well by my standards (1:47) and just as I'd trained & anticipated. I've been running for a long time but never bothered to compete. I am in awe of the full marathoners and definitely the Elites. I know I can do the full, I just don't know if I have it in me yet. I will never say never. I'll be entering more races for sure now. Great experience!

Posted September 30, 2007 06:31 PM

Amanda & Mark Collis

Great race Peter. I was wondering how you finished. You were setting a faster pace than we were and you looked strong and steady each time I saw you. Setting a new PB (personal best) is hook that keeps pulling us back into this event.

And yes Amanda and I finished in our aim time, 3:30, with a chip time of 3:30:51.

BTW, did you see the other gentleman pushing a lady in a standard wheelchair? WOW! I've done that, it's very tough. On top of that, he was flying, way a head of both of us. I want to shake that guys hand.

Mark Collis

Posted September 30, 2007 03:01 PM

Deb Johnson

It is truly inspriring to read that you've done it Peter. Well done! Yes, all body aches and pains are yours for the next few days, but also the pride that, yeah, I've done another marathon. And I've live-blogged about it, as well. Good for you! I'm proud of you, for sure.

Posted September 30, 2007 10:48 AM

Judith Huddart


Peter, glad to see you're hanging in there, setting a good example for us sloths sitting at our computers typing e-mails. Maybe, just maybe, I'll finally be inspired to get out there and start running myself. Or perhaps a brisk walk....

Posted September 30, 2007 10:13 AM

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