Why take our 31 day challenge to move more?

Why take our 31 day challenge to move more?


Move more. Every day.

That's our challenge to you.

Every day, CBC's Live Right Now will unveil an idea to help motivate us to take a break from what we're doing and inject some movement.


One of the biggest culprits: sedentary behaviour. Many of us find ourselves glued to our desks, and Statistics Canada says 46 per cent of Canadians are physically inactive during their leisure time.

This inactive lifestyle can lead to many health problems. A study published as part of a Lancet series on world health and physical activity estimated that physical inactivity caused 5.3 million of the 57 million deaths worldwide in 2008.

Study after study confirms that moderate physical activity - like brisk walking - reduces your health risks.

So let's get up and get moving! Take our 31 day challenge to move more.

Feeling motivated? Download this poster and printable calendar and set up the challenge at work, with friends or at home. Comment below to let us know how it's going or share your successes with us on FB or Twitter.

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