30x30 launches May 1

30x30 launches May 1

CBC's Live Right Now and the David Suzuki Foundation are teaming up to bring you the 30x30 challenge.

Let's get outside! For the month of May, we're inviting Canadians to spend 30 minutes outside every day for 30 days.

"Science has shown that when we connect to nature, we're smarter, healthier, even more generous," says David Suzuki in the 30x30 promotional video.

"But our modern lifestyles mean we spend more and more time indoors, away from nature."

The 30x30 challenge begins May 1. Registration starts on Earth Day - April 22. Want to participate? Sign up at http://www.davidsuzuki.org/30x30challenge.

You'll also be invited to fill out a survey before and after the challenge.

"We're trying to get people that participate in the 30x30 challenge to help us learn from their experiences and find out what impact it's had on their physical and mental health," says Jode Roberts, spokesperson for the David Suzuki Foundation.

"We're working with researchers from Trent University to analyze how nature affects well-being."

Roberts explains that they'll be using what's known as the Nature Relatedness Scale. Developed by psychologists, it measures an individual's level of connectedness with the natural world.

It's a way, he adds, to investigate our relationship with nature and processes underlying environmental concern.

"When people are connected to something, they're more likely to protect it."

Curious about how you can get your daily dose of nature? Live Right Now is going to feature a new challenge every day. Visit LiveRightNow.ca every day to log your minutes and watch the counter bring our 30x30 tree to life.

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