Week One: Self-Assessment

Want to lose weight? Follow this step-by-step plan to lose 5 pounds in 5 weeks.

Week One: Self-Assessment  

Why assessment?

In a paper by McGill University's Richard Koestner, the professor outlined why many people have trouble achieving their resolutions. Koestner specifically points to two things:

  • A lack of clear, specific goals
  • A failure to monitor progress

So through our daily challenges we're asking you to figure out your current fitness levels, set realistic goals, evaluate your eating habits and get ready to take the first step!

Day One: Make Time for Yourself
No matter how hectic your schedule, taking the time to address your health is critical. Carve out some space in your day to figure out your goals.

Day Two: Set Realistic Goals
Studies show that people who are successful at losing weight make and track realistic goals. Experts suggest that a loss of 1-2 pounds is safe and achievable by increasing physical activity and decreasing caloric intake.  

Day Three: Build a Support Network
According to a study by the Agriculural Research Service dieters who have the help of a support group may experience less stress and less of a brainpower drain than those who go it alone.

Day Four: Do a Fridge Inventory
Take account of what you're eating by checking your fridge and pantry. Know what's in your food by learning to read nutrition labels and understand what you're looking for and what foods you should be avoiding.

Day Five: Take a Family Fitness Test
Establishing your current fitness level will help you figure out your exercise plan. For the beginner, or someone who leads a very sedentary lifestyle, ight activity could include increased standing activities, chores or yard work.

Day Six: Makeover Your Workplace
60 per cent of Canadian adults spend their entire workday seated, and 56 per cent are classified as physically inactive. New studies show that the effects of prolonged sitting are more harmful than physical inactivity. So walk, stand and move at work to reduce your risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

Day Seven: Keep a Health Journal
Write down what you eat and how much you exercise each day. Are you getting the recommended daily amount of fibre, protein, fruits and vegetables? Are you meeting the physical activity guidelines of 150 minutes of exercise a week? Research suggests a health journal will help you see how you're doing and where you need to do more.

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