Week Three: Focus on Food

In week one we helped you get started by laying out seven challenges to help lay the groundwork. Missed a challenge or two last week? Have a look at the step by step guide to see what you missed and what's in store!

In week two we turned the spotlight on our habits and starting to make changes to the way we eat.

This week we're making food our full focus!

Our goal this week is to cut 500 calories per day. Experts suggest this will produce a recommended weight loss of one to two pounds a week. 

Sunday: Fill the Fridge with Veggies and Healthy Snacks
We usually reach for unhealthy snacks in the afternoon when there's nothing else around. Make sure your kitchen is full of nutritious and healthy options.
Monday: Take Sugar Out of Coffee and Tea
Taking the sugar and cream out of your tea and coffee can help you cut 350 calories a week.

Tuesday: Choose Real Fruit
Fruit juice is loaded with sugar and high in calories. Swap it with real fruit to save on both. 

Wednesday: Only Eat When Hungry
Comfort foods are often high in fat, sugar and sodiumn, not to mention full of calories. Avoid eating when you're bored, lonely, or depressed this week. Instead, get up and get moving!
Thursday: Skip Sugary Drinks
Soft drinks, sugary coffees and fruit juices can quickly add up to a full day's worth of calories. Choose water instead.

Friday: Hold a Healthy Dessert Contest
One slice of carrot cake has 542 calories. Next time you eat dinner, choose a healthier dessert option.

Saturday: Stick to Your Grocery List.
Impulse purchases at the grocery store are often high in calories; low in nutrition. Make a list of what you need before you leave the house!

Focus this week on writing down what you eat in your health journal. Studies show that record-keeping is one of the most successful techniques for weight loss and maintenance. 

Have your own tips? Share them with us on Facebook or create a group through the Live Right Now app to share your weight loss goal and earn points to help you community become the Live Right Now Capital of Canada!
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