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Theresa May seeks strong EU ties, clean break, in Brexit deal

Prime Minister Teresa May promises a parliamentary vote on Britain's final deal to leave the European Union and stresses it would seek to remain a key European partner as she sets out her priorities for divorce talks.

U.K. prime minister confirms final agreement will be put to both Houses of Parliament

May: 'It remains...in Britain's national interest that the E.U. should succeed'

8 years ago
Duration 0:22
May: 'It remains...in Britain's national interest that the E.U. should succeed'

PrimeMinister Teresa May on Tuesday promised a parliamentary vote on Britain's finaldealto leave the European Union and stressed it would seek to remaina key European partner as she setout her priorities for divorce talks.

Mayoutlined what she called "a carefully considered" framework, with12objectives, which shesaid would "leave theEUa success"through a new comprehensive free trade agreementwith the United Kingdom.

However, she said the U.K.won't "hold on to bits of membership," nor seek associate or partial membership of the bloc.

May saidBritain plans to make a clean break from the European Union and not opt for "anything that leaves us half-in, half-out."

Both Houses of the U.K. Parliament will be able to vote on the final divorce deal reached between the U.K. and European Union before it comes into force, she confirmed.

WATCH: British PM Theresa May speech re: Brexit

8 years ago
Duration 41:23
WATCH: British PM Theresa May speech re: Brexit

However, she did not address what would happen should there be a vote against the agreement.

May has said she will trigger the formal process to leave the trade bloc by the end of March. Britain'sSupreme Court is expected later this month to rule on whether Parliament must have a say in the matter.

Britain will have two years to negotiate a deal after that.

Clarity on process 'crucial'

She saidBritain will forge a "new and equal partnership" with Europeand that it's "crucial" that her Brexitnegotiating team"gofor certaintywhereverwecan" duringthe process.

"We seek a new and equal partnership, between anindependent, self-governing, global Britain and our friends andallies in the EU," May toldan audience of foreigndiplomats and Britain'sBrexitnegotiating team.

May: 'We will pursue a bold and ambitious free trade agreement'

8 years ago
Duration 0:48
May: 'We will pursue a bold and ambitious free trade agreement'

"Not partial membership of the European Union, associatemembership of the European Union, or anything that leaves ushalf-in, half-out. We do not seek to adopt a model alreadyenjoyed by other countries. We do not seek to hold on to bits ofmembership as we leave."

Setting out her vision for Britain, May said she wanted her country to emerge "stronger, fairer, more united and more outward-looking than before."

One objective is making sure the U.K. has control over immigrationfrom therest of Europe. She said Britain is an "open and tolerant country" but it needs control over the number of people entering the country.

"When the numbers get toohigh, public support for the system falters."

For EU citizens currently in the U.K., she said she wanted to reassure them that their rights as workerswould be protected in theBrexitdeal, as would be the rights of U.K. workers in EU member states.

The pound has been at some of the lowest levels in more than three decades over the past week, but as the British prime minister promised to work on a strong trading relationship with EU countries, the pound rose two per cent Tuesday to reach $1.2278 US at its peak. (Alastair Grant/Associated Press)

Britons' vote to leave the bloc has opened a huge number ofquestions about immigration and the future rights of the many EUcitizens already living in the United Kingdom.

May said she wantsBritain to be a "magnet forinternational talent"and a "great, global trading nation" thatreaches beyond Europe to build relationships with othercountries around the world. She said it's inBritain's national interestfor theEUto succeed.

"We will continue to be reliable partners, willing alliesand close friends. We want to buy your goods,sell you ours,trade with you as freely as possible, and work with one anotherto make sure we are all safer, more secure and more prosperousthrough continued friendship," she said.

Her government has come under fire from investors,businesses and legislators for so far revealing little about thefuture relationship she will seek when she begins formal divorcetalks by the end of March.

But in her speech, Maypromisedtoprovideall partners in the talks "with as much certainty aspossible" before a final deal comes into force.

Pound rises asBrexitdetails unveiled

As she delivered her speech, thepoundjumpedby the most since June'sBrexitreferendum.

The pound, already up more than one per centper cent as May began todeliver herspeechsurged two per centon the day to reach $1.2278 US at itspeak.It also gained around 0.8 per cent to 87.36 pencepereuro,
reflecting a broader sell-off in the U.S.dollar globally driven byconcerns over Donald Trump's upcoming presidency.

Czech Secretary of State for European Affairs Tomas Prouza called May's speech "thorough," writing on Twitter. "At least now we know what U.K. wants #HardBrexit," but he also said herplan seems a "bit ambitious" and lacks give andtake in equal measure.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Water Steinmeier said Germany is pleased May "has finally created a little more clarity about the British plans."

"She has underlined that Great Britain is striving for a positive and constructive partnership, a friendship, with a strong EU. That is good."

"We too want the best, closest and most trusting relationship and wish for constructive negotiations with this goal. But our line is, and remains: the negotiations can beginonly when Great Britain has given official notification of its desire to leave," Steinmeier said.

The Republic of Ireland's government issued a statement saying it welcomes U.K. support for the status quo for travel between the two countries.

Indian billionaire Sunil Mittal said he's optimistic his country and the U.K. will be able to reach a trade deal with Brexit in place. He said the U.K.'s membership in the EU has prevented that.

U.K. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said Mayappeared to be warning that she was ready to turn the U.K. into a "low-corporate taxation, bargain-basement economy off the shores of Europe" if the EU doesn't give her everything she wants.

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron called the speech "a mixture of vague fantasies and toothless threats to our nearest neighbors."

With files from CBC News and Reuters