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British Columbia

B.C. RCMP officer suspended over racially offensive content posted on Facebook

An RCMP officer in B.C. has been suspended and has resigned from the force after members of the public complained about posts on his Facebook account criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement that they say are racially insensitive. He says he's being punished for a difference of opinion and plans to fight the suspension.

Dustin Dahlman says he's being labelled racist 'just for having a different opinion'

A screen shot of Dustin Dahlman's profile photo on a now defunct public Facebook account where he posted videos, comments and memes that some members of the public complained were racially insensitive. He was suspended over the posts, which an RCMP spokesperson said violated the force's code of conduct. (Facebook)

A B.C. RCMP officer's suspension and subsequent resignation following a complaint that alleges he posted "racially insensitive,rage-fuelled andanti-government" material on Facebookis highlighting what some say is a flawed process of raising concerns about police conduct.

The characterization of Dustin Dahlman's commentsis part of a complaint filedwith theCivilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP, which reviews complaints about police conduct and makes recommendations to the RCMP.CBChas obtained a copy of the letter.

Dahlman, who used the name Vedder McNutt on Facebook, was stationed at an RCMP detachment in Sayward, a small town at the north end of Vancouver Island, for threeyears. He was previously stationed in Prince George, B.C., for six years and in Lytton, B.C., for threeyears.

For at least the first half of 2020, he postedvideos, memes and commentson his now defunct public Facebook page that were critical of the Black Lives Mattermovement, of police conduct he considered "too soft," andof some of the government's COVID-19safety guidelines.

One video heuploaded showed a mancriticizing the Black Lives Mattermovementwhoat one point says,"If you don't want to be killed, don't break the law."

The man can also be heard saying, "If the Black lives matteredsomuch toyou Blacks, then you wouldn't beburning down our countrylike a bunch of effingheathens."

Dahlman posted the five-minute video tohis own page with the comment,"I couldn't say it better myself."

"That video by itselfis fairly disgusting, and for that video to be posted by a police officer is incredibly concerning," saidChad Haggerty, a former RCMP officer who spent17 years on the force and has previously spoken out about systemic racism within theRCMP.

Chad Haggerty is a 17-year veteran of the RCMP who raised concerns online and with the Sayward RCMP detachment about Dahlman's social media posts and helped one Sayward resident file a formal complaint. (Katie Nielsen)

Haggerty was himself suspended for using excessive force and faced domestic assault charges when he was an officer and says there should be consequences whenpolice step outside the code of conduct.

"I chose to leave the RCMP because of the charges I was facing and because I recognized in therapy that I was no longer suitable to be a police officer," he said. "Dahlman decided to leave the RCMP, and that is good for both the community and the RCMP."

Ex-officer says difference of opinion doesn't make him racist

Haggertyhelped one of theSaywardresidents who publicly voiced concern over Dahlman's posts filea formal complaint againstthe officer.

Dahlman defended the posts, telling the CBC that the video he posted was simply stating facts.

"If you watch the video, it is true," he said in an interview. "If you're not breaking the law, then there is a low percentage that you will get into a confrontation or altercation with police where there is a potential to be shot."

If someone steals a candy bar or a T-shirt, for example, and resists arrest and gets shot, "whose fault is that?" he said. "Who started that event?"

Dahlmansaidhe isnot racistand that in the current public debate around racism and police conduct, "people are getting called racist just for having a different opinion."

Dahlman said he does believe the lives of Black people matter but that he also thinks "all lives matter."

A screen shot of a video that Dahlman shared on his Facebook page that was making the rounds of social media last month. It shows an officer pulling a man out of his car, screaming obscenities at him and aggressively handcuffing him for a minor infraction. 'I think some of us have actually gotten too soft and should be more like this guy,' Dahlman wrote when sharing the video. (Facebook)

Suspended July 1

Severalpeople in the Sayward community raised concerns about Dahlman's posts in mid-June on social mediaand with the Sayward RCMP detachment, but only one person made a formal complaint to the RCMPoversight body.

At least four people who spoke to CBC News saythey didn'tcomplain to the RCMP outoffear of retaliation sinceat the detachment level, there'sno guaranteea complainant'sidentity will be kept confidential.

The CRCC,on the other hand, says it is committed to protecting complainant's identities.

At the beginning of July, a week afterCBC inquired about Dahlman's posts, RCMP spokesperson Janelle Shoihetsaid he was no longer with the force.

"We were aware of the [social media] materials, and a code of conduct investigation was initiated," Shoihetsaid in an emailed statement.

Dahlman told the CBC he was suspended on July 1and says it was over social media posts that some considered misogynistic, racist and bigoted.

Shoihet confirmed Dahlman's posts were the reason for his suspension and said he subsequently submitted his resignation, which wasaccepted.

"Public trust is essential for the RCMP to effectively fulfil its mandate, and these kinds of comments can erode that trust," Shoihet said. "RCMP members are expected to be culturally sensitive and ... to treat all Canadians without bias of race, colour, gender.

"When concerns about offensive content believed to be shared or written by an RCMP employee are brought forward, they are investigated and can lead to consequences pursuant to the force's code of conduct. That was the situation in this matter."

Outrage over the killing in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who was detained for using a counterfeit $20 US bill at a convenience store in May, sparked worldwide protesters over racism and police brutality. Rallies were held in cities across Canada, including Vancouver, above. (Ben Nelms/CBC)

'I am none of those things'

Dahlmanclaimshe resigned before thesuspension and that he is now rescinding his resignation. He said he intends to take legal action against the RCMP to fight the suspension.

The RCMP told the CBC it would not have been possible for the department to suspend him if he had already resignedand that he has not rescinded his resignation.

CBC asked Dahlmanover Facebook howhe feltthatsome people considered his postsracist, sexist or conspiratorialandaboutfears in the community that he would retaliate against those who complained.

"Ican guaranteeI am none of those things, and there would be no reason for retaliation," he wrote.

"In today's climate, people react and misinterpret things on a regular basis and are unfortunately willing to cancel good people."

He said that while he believes COVID-19 is real, he doesn't trust thegovernment's information about the pandemic.

Complaints process can be difficult to navigate

The woman who eventually filed a complaint againstDahlmansays she waspunted to and from differentRCMP departments online and on the phone and that throughout the process, RCMP representatives were unable to provide theinformation she needed to lodge the complaint.

"[She] tried numerous times to get the RCMP to recognizeand address this behaviour. It's unconscionable," Haggerty said.

The CBChas agreed to not name the complainant as she says she fears retribution from Dahlman.

Haggertysaid it was only when he called the Sayward detachment, "knowing the RCMP's jargon,"that he found out how to direct the complainantto file hergrievance online with theComplaints Commission.

A sign shows the logo of the RCMP with the words
Some critics say the RCMP complaints process can be difficult to navigate and discourages people from filing complaints about officer misconduct. (Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press)

"The complaints process is difficult on the complainant because they are complaining to one police officer about another police officer," he said. "There are concerns about personal security, the ability of the officer to access the information they disclose and repercussions."

While theCRCC does provide a form online, Haggerty says it's often not clear where a complaint should start.

With Haggerty'shelp, the womanfiled a complaint withthe CRCC butwas told since her concerns pertained to off-duty conduct, "they do not fall within this commission's mandate."

The oversightbody forwarded her concerns to theRCMP, whichinitiated an investigation that is still ongoing.

More transparent reporting needed, says researcher

While the CRCC says it passes the majority of complaints on to the RCMP for investigation, it does encourage those with concerns about RCMP conduct to contact the commission first to find out how the complaints process works.

"Our knowledgeable and well-trained independent intake officers can provide assistance to the public and explain the entire process,"commission spokesperson Kate McDerbysaid.

At the RCMP level, a complainant is first assigneda professional standards officer, who investigates the complaint internally. If the complainantis not satisfied with theoutcome, theycan then ask the commission to review the investigation.

"So, when you talk about police accountability and oversight,that's a huge red flag in terms of theirabilityto oversee an investigation because people make complaints [first] to the detachment," said KristaStelkia, aresearch associate at Simon Fraser Universityin Burnaby, B.C., who recently wrote a paper on RCMP oversight.

Krista Stelkia, a research associate at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, B.C., says the fact that complaints are first investigated at the detachment level undermines the capacity for accountability and oversight. (Simon Fraser University)

Out of the2,000 or so complaints theCRCC receives each year, almost all are sent to the RCMP to investigate first, McDerbysaid.

But Stelkia found that in the case of the B.C. RCMP,54 per cent of complaints made between 2010 and 2015 were found to be unsupported by evidence and29 per cent were resolved informally by the RCMP without a full investigation.

She says theCRCC'senforcement power needs to be enhanced so that it can impose discipline rather than merely making recommendations.

The complaints process would also benefit from"more transparent reporting by police oversight agencies," she said. "Including the collection and reporting of race-based demographic data on who is making the complaint along with the officer who has the complaint filed against them."

With files from Kieran Oudshoorn