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Parents on trial in meningitis death of toddler defended use of natural remedies in police interview

Audio recordings obtained by CBC News of police interviews with two Alberta parents accused of allowing their toddler to die from meningitis reveal how strongly the couple believed in the power of natural remedies over conventional medicine, even after the boy was flown to a Calgary hospital in grave condition.

'Has it worked for us in every single scenario in the past before? Yes,' David Stephan says

Parents on trial in toddler death

8 years ago
Duration 2:45
David and Collet Stephan are on trial for failing to provide the necessaries of life for their 19-month-old son, who died in March 2012

Audio recordings obtained by CBC News of police interviews with two Alberta parents accused of allowing their toddler todie from meningitis reveal how strongly the couple believed in the power of natural remedies over conventional medicine, even afterthe boy was flown to a Calgary hospital in grave condition.

DavidStephan, 32, and his wife,Collet Stephan, 36, are accused of failing to providethe necessaries of life for their nearly 19-month-old son Ezekiel, who died in March 2012. The charges were laid almost a year later.

Just after 1 a.m. on March 15, 2012, as the toddler lay unconscious at the Alberta Children's Hospital in Calgary,RCMPCpl. RyanBulfordconducted separate lengthy interviews with theStephans, asking both to describe in detail the events leading up to that point.

A jury is now deliberating after a six-week trial in Lethbridge, Alta., about 210 kilometres southeast of Calgary.

David Stephan and his wife, Collet Stephan, arrive at a Lethbridge, Alta., court in March. The Stephans are on trial for failing to provide the necessaries of life for 19-month-old Ezekiel, who died in March 2012. (David Rossiter/Canadian Press)
With that eight-woman, four-man jury sequestered, CBC News is now allowed to publish the audio ofthose interviews, which were exhibits at the trial.

Asked by the officer whether he considered himself an expert in naturopathic remedies,Stephansaid no.

"Do we have a formal education? No. Are we educated in it? Absolutely," he said."Has it worked for us in every single scenario in the past before this? Yes."

Ezekiel was regularly given vitamin and mineral supplements, said his father, who is a vice-president of Truehope Nutritional Support Inc., a natural remedies companyfounded by his father, AnthonyStephan.

"And then when he was sick there, we were giving him, above and beyond that, the olive root extract, which is an antifungal, antiviral, it's a very powerful one," he told Bulford.

The toddler's mother told the officer that Ezekiel, who had been unwell for about 2 weeks with what she thought was croup, became more lethargic on Sunday, March 11.

Hear Collet Stephan describe what she did when Ezekiel's condition first started deteriorating

Nurse suspects toddler has meningitis

The next day she invitedTerrieMeynders, who had been her birth attendant and whois a registered nurse to the acreage inCardstonCounty, in the southwestern corner of Alberta, where theStephanslived with Ezekieland their other son Ezra, who was four.

ColletStephanwas also 20 weekspregnant with their third child at the time.

"To her experience, she said he does look like he's showing signs of meningitis," she told Bulford.

In her testimony on March 8, Meynders said she told Ezekiel's mother she should consult a physician.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranessurrounding thebrain and spinal cord, and can becaused by a fungus, a virus, or by bacteria, which is the more dangerous variety of the disease.

A nurse suggested to Ezekiel's parents on Monday, March 12, 2012, that he might have meningitis. (Stephan family)

Acute bacterial meningitis must be treated immediately with intravenous antibiotics and corticosteroids, according to the Mayo Clinic website.

Alberta Health recommends parents have their children vaccinated withmeningococcal conjugateat four months and 12 months of age to protect against meningitis.On April 14,David Stephan testifiedthat his son had never been taken to a medical doctor.

Couple turned to natural remedies

"So I went online and researched meningitis and it looked like he had about 95 per cent of those, the symptoms of a viral meningitis," Ezekiel's mother told the officer.

"And the recommendations on the medical websites, as well as the natural websites, was boosting the immune system."

Ezekiel's father told the officer his wife concluded the toddler likely had viral meningitis not fungal or the more serious bacterial variantsbecause the boy had already been unwell for several days.

"Bacterial, you have a very short window to work with. And so she ruled that out," he said.

Under cross-examination by Crown counsel on April 15, Collet Stephan told court her traumatized condition might have led her to exaggerate in her description of the toddler's symptoms in the day leading up to his death.

In his interview with Bulford, Ezekiel's father said he and his wife agreed they needed to get the boy back on a regimen of natural antivirals.

"And so let's get back on top of it, let's get nutrition into him, and let's also get this stuff in there that's going to wipe it out," he said.

"When it comes to the natural stuff, we were doing our due diligence, making sure that we were covering it from every angle that we could."

Let's also get this stuff in there that's going to wipe it out.- David Stephan on need for natural antivirals

The father told Bulford he believed taking Ezekiel to a physician sooner would not have helped.

"She found out Monday afternoon that it was meningitis, not a whole lot they can do for that until they can discover what [type] it is, and to discover what it is, they have to do a spinal tap," he said.

"I don't think anyone would have caught that unless he wasunder 24-hour supervision of a doctor."

The mothertold the officer she immediately started giving Ezekiel natural antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, along with a product called Total Reload, "which is filled with electrolytes, vitamins and amino acids that are already a broke-down form of protein," she said.

"And so we started getting that into him immediately and he started to improve very quickly."

Total Reloadis one of several natural supplement products sold by Truehope Nutritional Support Inc.

Truehope fought a long legal battle with Health Canada over whether it was selling Empowerplus a product the company claims successfully manages mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder without a drug identification number.In 2006 an Alberta judge ruled against Ottawa's attempt to block its sale.

On March 13, Ezekiel's motherperformed a medical test on him called Brudzinski's sign of meningitis where a patient's severe neck stiffness causes their hips and knees to flex when the neck is flexed which she had learned from the website, WebMD.

The test seemed to be another indication he had meningitis, she told the officer.

Hear Collet Stephan about seeing the naturopath

Later that day, with Ezekiel so stiff he had to be placed on a mattress in the family truck instead of a baby seat, theStephansdrove to Lethbridge, where they needed to have some papers signed by a lawyer.

Naturopathic doctor recommends immune booster

They also visited the office of naturopath TraceyTannis(Pike)to pick up a product she had recommended called Blast, "that's filled with lots of homeopathics, natural antibiotics and an immune booster," the mother said to Bulford.

In her testimony on March 17, Tannisconfirmed her secretary had taken a call from a woman who said a nurse suspected her toddler had meningitis.Tannis told court thatshe instructedher secretary to tell the woman to take the child to a hospital immediately.

Ezekiel's condition seemed to improve as they drove back to Raymond, his father told Bulford.

"I actually fell asleep beside him and I woke up to him, you know, playing with my lip," he said.

David Stephan, 32, and his wife, Collet Stephan, 35, have pleaded not guilty to failing to provide the necessaries of life for 19-month-old Ezekiel. (Facebook)

Ezekiel seemed to be doing fine at that point, the father said.

The toddler's mother told Bulford they gave Ezekiel more fluids, plus a mixture of electrolytes and the Truehope product Empowerplus as soon as they got home.

Hear David Stephan on naturopathic remedies

"It had obviously a profound effect on him, and he was doing great, he ended up going right to sleep and it was a completely relaxed sleep, he was no longer arching his back," the father told the officer.

ColletStephantold Bulford she was confident enough that Ezekiel was getting better that she let her husband convince her to go to her church event that evening.

The father told the officer he gave Ezekiel more fluids when he woke up a few times during his nap.

He said he noticed the boy was still having trouble breathing and decided letting him sleep more would help.

"He'll rest it off, and he's just struggling while he's awake or something," he said.

The toddler's condition had worsened again by the time his mothercame home.

Hear Collet Stephan describe Ezekiel's medical emergency

"And I came into the room and all of a sudden his breathing wasn't normal, he was definitely struggling for more breath, it was hard for him to breathe," she said.

Ezekiel stops breathing

As David Stephancalled his father for help, Ezekiel stopped breathing.

The mother performed CPR, which got the boy breathing again, but just briefly.

"So I turned him on his side and he started coughing up a bunch of phlegm, mucus and when that happened [David] got on the phone immediately to 911 to tell them that our son wasn't breathing," she said.

Hear David Stephan's first 911 call

"As my husband was on the phone with 911, he was going to get an ambulance to come," she said.

At that point, Ezekiel started breathing again, both parents told the officer in their separate interviews.

"And so I was still on the phone with 911, and I said, 'OK, he's breathing again, OK, what we're going to do is we're just going to pack him up in our car,'" the fathersaid.

"And we're going to drive him to the hospital, and that way we get him to the hospital in a shorter time than having the ambulance come from the hospital and pick him up," he said.

But about two minutes into the drive, Ezekiel again stopped breathing, his mothertold the officer.

Her husband called 911 again to arrange to meet an ambulance.

'He was blue'

"So that was about 10 minutes before we met up with the ambulance and he was blue by the time we met up with the ambulance and so then they took him from there," she said.

Hear David Stephan's second call to 911

According to a physician's reportprepared after his death, Ezekiel was rushed to the hospital in Cardston, wherehe was intubated and given epinephrine and atropine until he regained circulation.

He was then taken to the emergency room in Lethbridge, along with the Cardston doctor, where they were met by a pediatric intensive-care transport team that took Ezekiel to Calgary in a helicopter, saysthe report byDr. Jenn D'Mello.

Ezekiel's father told the officer he and his wife felt certain their actions up to that night had been prudent.

"If this comes into question of whether thisis a case of negligence or not, of course I wouldsay no, I would say it's completely the opposite. We've goneabove and beyond where he has receivedexceptional care," he said.

"We figured we wouldhit it hard right now this is Monday afternoon if he continues to get worse, we're takinghim to the hospital, obviously. And so, that was the game plan."

"With how severe his symptoms were, which they were not severe, we would have never guessed otherwise we wouldn'tbe here today.I mean nobody would wish this upon themselves, or anybody else, watching their kid die."

At the Alberta Children's Hospital, Ezekiel was diagnosed with bacterial meningitis and neurological dysfunction, according to the official death report by Dr. Jonathan Gamble.

He was put on antibiotics and kept cool for 36 hours "in the hopes of having an optimal neurological outcome," says Gamble's report.

However, over the next two days, Ezekiel showed no signs of neurological function. He was initially declared brain dead by doctors on March 15.

"March 18, 2012, on discussion with the parents, a final medical assessment was done of Ezekiel determining that there was still no neurological function and life-sustaining therapies were discontinued," the death report says.

"It is felt that Ezekiel died after a cardiac arrest secondary to what was likely a hypoxic event because of his overwhelming bacterialmeningitis."