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Clean-up 'corruption', allow new nominations, PC party members urge

Some long-time Ontario Tories are urging the party to reopen several contentious nominations across the province including the riding of Ottawa West-Nepean before the June election.

Ballot stuffing, ineligible voters reported at Ottawa West-Nepean nomination

Karma MacGregor and her supporters have been campaigning since she won a controversial nomination race in Ottawa-West Nepean in May 2017. That nomination is now one of a handful across Ontario that some party members want the new leadership to reopen. (Facebook)

Somelong-time Ontario Progressive Conservativesare urging the partyto reopen contentious nominations across the province including the riding of Ottawa West-Nepean and clean up what they see as corruption before the June election.

"We still have time. My goodness, we're going to run a leadership, we still have time to run a properly constituted riding nomination meeting," said retired Conservative Senator Marjory LeBreton.

'Fraud' in Ottawa West-Nepean

LeBreton was witness to a nomination meeting she said was rife with irregularities in Ottawa West-Nepean on May 6, 2017.

Several Progressive Conservative party volunteers toldCBC they saw evidence that evening of ballot stuffing andineligible members being permitted to vote and that party executives allowed it all to happen.

Marjory LeBreton, who retired from the Senate in 2015, is known as a loyal and partisan conservative. Yet she's spoken out publicly about her concerns with Ontario's Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown and the nomination of Karma MacGregor in Ottawa-West Nepean. (Sean Kilpatrick/Canadian Press)

"It was clearly very fraudulent activity," said LeBreton. "At the time I called for the party to take a look at it and declare the meeting void."

Instead, then-leaderPatrick Brownshut down any discussion of an appeal and appointed the candidates who'd been nominated in all the controversial nomination meetings across Ontario.

In Ottawa West-Nepean, the party executive resigned en masse.

The winning candidate, Karma MacGregor, is now readying her campaign for the June election. At the time of the nomination, her daughter, Tamara MacGregor, was Patrick Brown's deputy chief of staff.

Several CBC requests to speak to Karma MacGregor went unanswered.

Now that both Brown and former party presidentRick Dykstra are gone, LeBreton and other long-time party members are urging those now in charge to take action.

Take back our PC Party

LeBretonand many others in Ottawa West-Nepeanhave hope in the party's interim leader,VicFedeli, who said last week he'dwork to "root out any rot" in the party.

"I know people are saying, 'Why is Vic Fedeli doing this?It's going to give Liberals ammunition,'" said LeBreton. "No.It'll prove we're open, honest, prepared to look at ourselves [and] honestly fix these problems."

There have been contentious nominations in a number of Ontario ridings, includingHamilton West-Ancaster-DundasandScarborough Centre.

Jim Karahalios, a long-time PC party supporter and lawyer in Cambridge, Ont., was so disillusioned with the nomination process in Ontario last summer thathe started a protest group calledTake Back our PC Party.

Jim Karahalios, an Ontario lawyer, started a group called 'Take Back our PC Party' in the wake of several contentious PC party nominations some of which he says showed 'evidence of irregularities and voter fraud.' (submitted)

He went up against both Brown and Dykstra, calling for an airing of party issues at a formal convention.

But the party executive didn't take kindly to Karahalios' outspoken views and slapped a lawsuit on him. Itwas later dismissed.

"The PC Party should not be going into an election with candidates where their legitimacy and how they were chosen is called into question,"saidKarahalioson Wednesday."Because it will hamper our ability to put forward a strong showing in those ridings."

'Root out the rot'

While Karahaliosnotes Fedeli is doing a "heroic job", he really wants to know if the three party's three declaredleadership candidates Caroline Mulroney, Doug Ford and Christine Elliott plan on reopening nominations in the ridings that were"most probably decided through illegitimate means."

"Root out the rot and drain the swamp," said Karahalios.

Ontario PC party interim leader Vic Fedeli says he wants to 'root out any rot' in the PC party before it heads into the June 7 election campaign. (Nathan Denette/Canadian Press)

But a long-time Progressive Conservativeinsider said reopening nominations will not be easy.

"It's a very messy process to overturn anything," said the party activist, who would onlydiscuss internal party matters freely on condition of anonymity. "They would be looking at opening something that is long gone."

The party insider said only the executive would have the authority to call for a new nomination vote.

CBCrequestedto speak to executives with theOntario PC party, but no one consented to an interview.

Could campaign against PC candidates

If nominations are not reopened, some card-carrying party members say they'll actually campaign againstProgressive Conservative candidates.

Carlos Naldinho, who has volunteered for the candidate in Ottawa West-Nepeanriding for the past several elections, was so disillusioned by thenomination process he started a campaign called"I'm Out"

"The reason I'm a conservative is because, whatever we are, we're not corrupt. But when you start rigging nominations, and you start rigging leadership races, then you can't support a party like that any more," said Naldinho.

He's adding his voice to those urging the party's brass to hold new nomination contests.

"If they don't reverse those candidates, I'll have to work against those candidates in the election, even if I want the party to win," said Naldinho.

"If Karma [MacGregor] is the candidate, I will be campaigning against her. Same with some of the other candidates who got the nomination by cheating."