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Ottawa has 80,000 more suburban houses in its future. Here's what that could look like

City staff, planners and some politicians want a denser city, but what will it take to shift the culture?

City staff, planners and some politicians want a denser city, but what will it take to shift the culture?

Heres why Ottawas urban boundary is so important

4 years ago
Duration 1:05
The citys planning department wants to add up to 1,650 hectares of land to the suburbs, expanding the urban boundary to do so. But community groups say that could increase greenhouse gas emissions and create urban sprawl.

Rachelle Lecours relaxes in her sunny, tidy bungalow inOrlans, reflecting on how much the Ottawa suburb has spread over four decades.

"I sort of feel guilty for being part of this growth," Lecours said. As her family grew over the years, they moved from one new development to another, seeking new home features and upgrading their garage. It was a "bad habit,"she now says.

Homes on the fringes of the city are as popular as ever. People line up when a builder releases a new block of housingto lay money on a unit.

We can't just give in to market demand for single-family homes.- Coun. Jeff Leiper

But city planners and politicians alike knowthat growth comes at a cost pipes, transit, greenhouse gas emissions and have talked for years about growing in a more compact way, andpacking more homes into existing areas to limit those downsides.

Yet, in a big report to be debated at a virtual city committee meeting May 11, city staff say what's realistic is to expand the urban boundary to allowan extra23,300 homes at the fringes of the suburbs by 2046. That'son top of the66,300 units already in the pipeline.

Some 88 per cent of those yet-to-be-built unitswould be houses that fit one family, with their ownfront door. The rest would be apartment units.

Coun. Jeff Leiper was shocked city staff would recommend adding so much land the 1,281 hectares designated for new urban areas is bigger than his entire ward of Kitchissippi.

He's also disappointed by thecalculations staff have done, saying it appears they've based the needfor future landon the housing trends of the past. Leiper wants the urban-rural divide to stay where it is.

"If we're going to be sustainable, if we are going to have 15-minute neighbourhoods, if we're going to have affordable public transit, if we're going to keep our taxes as low as possible, then we can't just give in to market demand for single-family homes," Leiper said. His ward in the core is the epicentre for new highrise towers and pricey infill developments.

A woman with short white hair and a pink jacket smiles at the camera.
Rachelle Lecours, who has lived in many Orlans neighbourhoods, says her ideal community would have community gardens, cycling lanes, transit and jobs. (Kate Porter/CBC)

Watson: 'Easier said than done'

But Ottawa's mayor agrees with city staff, who say holding the urban boundaryis too ambitious.

"[That's] easier said than done. You've seen some real battles over the years. Everyone talks a good line about intensification, but when it's in their communitythey're against it. There are dozens of examples,"Jim Watson said.

Watson calls the scenario staff prefer a "balanced approach." Ottawa's population is projected to rise by 400,000to 1.4 million people by 2046, and the citysees splitting the projected 195,000 more households it wouldneed almost evenly betweenexisting built-up areasand undeveloped parcels.

The citycan't risk supplying insufficient spacefor the expected homes. The Ontario government requires Ottawashow it has enough.

Ottawa's population hit one million last year, and could grow by another 400,000 people by 2046. Mayor Jim Watson says the city has to plan for those new residents in a responsible way. (Kate Porter/CBC)

That's not to say the scenariostaff propose doesn't call for much more intensification than happens now. It does. By 2046, 42,700 more apartments, as well as 49,400 single-detached, semi-detachedand row homes could elbow intoexisting Ottawa neighbourhoods

Staff have even worked with a local architectural firm ona new kind of structure thatmight help meet the needs ofOttawa familieswhile building a city that's more dense:the "613 flat."

The '613 flat,' a three-bedroom housing concept designed to fit into older neighbourhoods. The design on the left could fit three family units. The one on the right could fit four families plus a couple of smaller units. (City of Ottawa)

That is, six-rooms andthree bedrooms per unit in short buildings that blend in withtheir neighbours. It offers the elusive "missing middle" style of housing neither a house, nor a highrise apartment.

The problem, staff write, isit takes time to create policies, and more time yet to getthe building industry and housing market to shift to building a new kind of lifestyle, andat the right price people can afford.

The missing middle

A planner who studies how cities grow and change says a big reason familiesespeciallykeep flocking to the suburbs is that North American cities havenot been very successful at delivering them exactly these kinds of options.

"Most of our cities have done either really high density in the centre, or quite low density in the form of single-detached dwellings," said Markus Moos, an associate professor at the University of Waterloo's school of planning. "So if you're looking for green space immediately outside your home, single-detached dwellings are often the only affordable alternative."

On the one hand, governmentshave to be sure they give neighbourhoodsthe good transit, amenities and green space they need, Moos said. Ideally, before a new developmentis built, so as not to lock in car-centric habits.

Beyond that, Moos saidbetter ideas are needed to make sure people consider the full cost of where they choose to live.

He points to the idea of "location-efficient mortgages" financing incentives for homebuyers who are less reliant on their cars.

Call for a culture shift

And then there's mindset.

"I would like to call for a cultural shift. We don't need to have a backyard in order to raise our kids. We don't have to live in a house," saidNaama Blonder, an architect with Smart Density in Toronto

Blonder contributed to that city's policy for how to make highrise towers more family-friendly. Many newcomers to Canada come from countries where dense living is the norm, she noted. Buildings here just need to have families in mind: units with enough bedroom space and room for a stroller, as well ascommon areas for teens to do homework.

And, Blonder added, when battles about new highrise proposals happen, focus less on how tall a building could be, and more on pushing for a great street-level vibe and pathways that connect people to transit and parks.

A different suburban dream

In the meantime, families continue tochoose Ottawa's far-flung suburbs because they're affordable. They also like the newness, lack of maintenanceand, sometimes, having space for multiple generations to live under one roof,said Deborah Burgoyne, president of the Ottawa Real Estate Board.

But subdivisions themselves are changing slowly, and many looknothing like thebig lots on winding crescents of old.Newsuburbs are more compact. When the city issued a record number of building permits in 2018, more were for semis and stacked townhomesthan for single-detached models. Some apartment buildings are going up.

In Ottawa's newest suburbs, like this development in Kanata on the edge of the urban boundary, stacked townhomes and row houses outnumber single-detached homes. (Francis Ferland/CBC)

"Toodle around and you won't believewhat's out there now," Burgoyne said.

As for Lecours, she still loves her community in Orlans, she just wishes there were more small coffee shops andcommunity gardens, and more housing choices for rentersand downsizing seniors.

"If they plan properly, I think it is OK to expand," she said."But it has to be done in a way where it serves the people."

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