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Judge accused of being a 'cheerleader' for $875M Sixties Scoop deal

The federal court judge who approved an $875-million deal for Sixties Scoop survivors is facing accusations of bias because of his involvement in other aspects of the national agreement.

Federal Court official says rules allow judges to serve in more than 1 role

Chief Marcia Brown Martel sings outside the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa following a government news conference announcing a compensation package for Indigenous victims of the Sixties Scoop last October. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press)

Thefederal court judge who approved an $875-million deal for Sixties Scoop survivors is facing accusations of biasbecause of his involvement in other aspects of the agreement.

The settlement reached last week is aimed at compensating an estimated 20,000 Indigenous people who were taken from their families as children and adopted out to non-Indigenous parentsbetween the 1950s and the 1980s, stripping them of their cultural heritage.

Justice Michel Shore approved the deal as it was proposed on Friday, roughly 60 minutes after two days of emotional testimony concluded in Saskatoon.It will see $750 million go tosurvivors, $75 million tolawyers, and $50 million set aside foran Indigenous healing foundation.

Legal expert Jasminka Kalajdzic (pictured) said Justice Michel Shore should not have overseen a hearing approving the $875-million settlement because of his involvement in other aspects of the deal. (submitted)
But critics are arguing Shore should not have been allowed to preside over last week's hearings, as he was involved in the creation of the proposed settlement last year and sits on the board of a $50-million healing foundation being established as partof the deal.

"The judge's role is to be dispassionatenot to be an advocate or cheerleader for the class-action settlement," saidJasminka Kalajdzic, a law professor at the University of Windsor and one of the country's leading experts on class-action lawsuits.

Some survivors, who travelled from across North America to attend the hearing, said they were outraged by Shore's comments in support of the settlement at the hearings, before it had formally been approved.Others were upset by the three-minute time limit they were given to share their stories.

"It seems like this decision was already made up, and this whole court case was an opportunity to sell the package," said survivorMaryLongman,who testified at the hearings and asked the court to also consider abuses suffered when determining compensation.

But Raven Sinclair, a social work professor in Saskatoon, cautions against leaping to conclusions of bias and conflict of interest based on Shore's role with the healing foundation.

She said it's a necessary connection, and only on paper.

"It's a temporary unit and it's not a decision making board, and so the people that are named on the non-profit incorporation papers are not decision makers, they're not the board, they're the temporary sort of figureheads," she said in an interview.

She says that survivors will have a say in the composition of the final board.

'It raises eyebrows'

Like Kalajdzic, Craig Jones, a law professor at Thompson Rivers University and author of the bookTheory of ClassActions,says survivors are right to be concerned.

This case is complex, he said, and carries enormous financial, political and societal implications, similar to the residential schoolor tainted blood settlements.

Jones stopped short of accusing Shore of bias but said he "can see why it raises eyebrows."

Kalajdzicwas more direct."There should be a judge with fresh eyes, who doesn't have a history with the parties, a judge who can exercise rigorous oversight and take a hard look at the case. That, in my view, would have been the more appropriate procedure," she said.

The deal has created a divide among survivors of the Sixties Scoop. Some were elated, saying itislong-awaited recognition of their suffering and a move that will avoidyears of costly court battles, with no guarantee of victory.

But others say the settlement is flawed because it excludes non-status andMtispeople, caps individual compensation at $50,000and gives too much money to the lawyers.

No rules broken, saysFederal Court official

Andrew Baumberg, a spokesperson for the Federal Court of Canada, declined to comment when asked about the concerns around Shore's objectivity, Instead, he pointed toFederal Court Rule 391, which allows a judge to oversee multiple elements of a case, provided that no parties object.

The law firms representing the class members OK'dShore overseeing the settlement hearing.

Kalajdzic says Rule 391 should only be used inabsolutely necessary and exceptional circumstancesand argues that wasn't the case here.

Precedents have made it extremely difficult to appeal an approved class-action settlement, she said, but those unhappy with the agreement have other options.

Sixties Scoop survivor Mary Longman said she was angered when she learned that Justice Michel Shore played multiple roles in the settlement process before approving the deal. (Olivia Stefanovich/CBC)

She said survivors who feel strongly can "vote with their feet" and opt out of the settlement.The agreement gives them90 days to do so. Further,if more than 2,000 members reject the offer, the government can kill the deal andsome opponents are pushing for just that.

Meanwhile, some of the survivors, including Longman,are considering filing a complaint with the body that oversees federal court judges.

And one last step remains beforeany money is disbursed:an Ontario judge overseeing a smaller, similar lawsuit for claimants in that province must give his or her approval later this month.

Shore has said he will issue the reasons for his ruling inseveral weeks' time.