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Trans-Pacific Partnership: 6 questions answered

What is this Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal? Should you care? Does it affect your vote? We try to explain what we know, and don't know, about the talks in Atlanta that will impact Canada.

TPP talks in Atlanta may conclude soon, with just over 2 weeks before Canadians vote

Trans-Pacific Partnership: What's in it for Canada?

9 years ago
Duration 1:36
The CBC's James Fitz-Morris explains what exactly the Trans-Pacific Partnership could mean for Canada. Could it be a boon for the economy?

Trade ministers and senior negotiators from 12 Pacific Rim countries are holed up inintense talks in Atlanta, tryingto reachan agreement in principle for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The ministers originally werescheduled to meet until the end of Thursday, butInternational Trade Minister Ed Fast told reporters he hasn'tbooked a return plane ticket yet.

Their last meeting two months ago in Hawaiialmost nailed it down: 98 per cent of the deal has been agreed to, sources suggest.Will everyone stay in the room this time for as long as it takes to tie things off?

While we wait, here's what we know and what we don't know:

What is the TPP?

If it succeeds, this deal will form a trading block representing roughly40 per cent of the world's gross domestic product.

The free trade push startedsmall in 2005, with a sub-group of the largerAsia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum New Zealand, Chile, Singapore and Brunei. Itgrew to includethe United States, Australia, Peru, Vietnam and Malaysia by2008. When Japan expressed interest in joining, Mexico and Canada felt they needed to be intoo. Canadaofficially joinedin 2012.

The TPP is a plurilateral agreement a World Trade Organization term fora sub-group ofcountries voluntarily agreeingtospecific rules. (Under a multilateral agreement, all countries must sign on toeverything.) Elements of the negotiations are not always reciprocal Country A might offersomething that benefits Country B, in return for something Country A wants from Countries D and E, who in turn might exact a concession from Country B.

Everyone'strying to meet what each perceives as thedefinitionof awinning compromiseperhaps not in every area, but overall and that's why the talks are so complicated.

The TPP aimsto bargainas many tariffs as possible down to zero. But it will also rewrite rules for trade in services and investment between partner countries, and tries to level the playing field by settingconsistent rules for patent and copyright law, environmental protection and labour standards and mobility.

Why does Canada want in?

Canada's bilateral trade talks with Japan have stalled. However, it's a critical export market for a range of Canadian goods, from farm commodities to natural resources like lumber. If, for example, American or Australian competitors got a tariff advantage over Canada through TPP, it could be game over for Canadian exports there.

Canada and Mexico haveenjoyed an advantaged relationship with the United States thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). However, with the U.S. looking for new trade partners in South America and Asia, the two other "amigos" risked losing if they were on the outside looking in.

The list of potential markets interestedin joining TPP down the road is too big to ignore:Taiwan, the Philippines, Laos, Colombia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Bangladesh and India. China too, perhaps, someday.

Is proposed TPP trade deal good for Canadians?

9 years ago
Duration 11:55
Economists Jim Stanford and Craig Alexander discuss the risks and benefits of the Trans-Pacific Partnership

When will TPPhappen?

Much of the timeline is uncertain, starting with whether an agreement in principle will be reached this week.

But supposeit does: next, the finer points will need to be hammered out by technical and legal experts and translated into the various languages of the countries involved. We might learn roughly how much import access Canada had to give up on dairy products to get a deal, if any, but not exactly which countries will ship what kinds of products to fill this new quota allocation.

If the Canada-European Union deal is anything to go by, this process could take not just weeks butmonths. Then each country would need toratify the agreement beforeit comes into force, a process that varies in each place.

In Canada, Stephen Harper's Conservatives have committed to putting all new trade deals to a vote in Parliament, although constitutionally, that's actually not required before ratification.

Politically, at least the framework for adeal needs to happenthis fall for both the U.S. and Japan, where 2016 is an election year.

What about Canada's election?

When the campaign started in August, the federal government fell into "caretaker" mode: no significant new programs or spending will happen until after the Oct. 19 election.

However, knowing the TPP talks were ongoing, Harper's Conservatives sought and received a clarification that "where a major decision is unavoidable," such as due to an "international obligation," the trade minister could carry on representing Canada's interests.

The guidelines specify that consultation with opposition parties "may be appropriate, particularly where a major decision could be controversial or difficult for a new government to reverse." However, both the Liberals and the New Democrats say they are not being consulted about what's happening at the table this week.

The real question might be not how the election impacts the ability to get a deal, but rather how getting a deal might impact the election: WillConservatives be credited with success? Or willconcessionscost them seats?

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz talks TPP in Ottawa.

9 years ago
Duration 4:01
The Conservative candidate tries to reassure farmers the Trans Pacific Partnership talks aren't yet complete.

What if Conservatives don't win?

Neither the Liberals nor the New Democrats have said they'd support this deal no matter what both say they want to see the deal before passing judgment.

However, considering past positions on free trade deals, as well as current messaging around this one, it's not hard to imagine the Liberals supporting the kind of deal that's shaping up. Or most Liberals, anyway: agriculture critic Mark Eyking suggested in an interview last weekend that if dairy concessions were made, Liberals wouldn't approve.

New Democrats have worked hard to shake off the anti-trade label that Conservatives have tried to stick to their party. However, their agriculture critic, Malcolm Allen, said Wednesday the party does have red lines that, if crossed, would rule out their support. He declined to specify exactly what those might be.

Harper is fond of repeatingthat TPP will proceed with or without Canada. If a new government decided it was better out than in, other countries should be expected tocarry on.

Who wins and who loses?

Any sector that gets the tariffs on its major exports down to zero is in line for a win under TPP. In Canada, that's a long list, ranging from heavilymanufactured goods to raw resources. Canada's strong banking industry is among the services that could find a new competitive edge.

Any sector that has a sensitive domestic market currently protected by tariffs stands to lose, although the fine print of exemptions must be studied before the exact impact can be calculated. For something like automotive manufacturing, the precise details will really matter.

Harper has promised that Canada will only sign if the final deal is an overall win balancingthe interests of different regions and economic sectors. When, or perhaps if, an agreement is reached, all parties will scrutinize it to decide whether that was achieved.