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Military won't ask RCMP to investigate sexual assault claim involving senior commander

Canada's military has turned down a former military member's requestthatRCMP officersbe asked to investigate her claim thata senior military leader raped her, CBC News has learned.

Retired military member Stephanie Viau alleged Vice-Admiral Haydn Edmundson raped her in 1991

A closeup of a middle-aged man with short, graying hair.
Retired military member Stephanie Viau accused Vice-Admiral Haydn Edmundson of raping her when she was a 19-year-old steward in 1991 onboard a navy ship docked in Pearl Harbour. Edmundson denies the allegation. (Justin Tang/The Canadian Press)

Canada's military has turned down a former military member's requestthatRCMP officers be asked to investigate her claim thata senior military leader raped her, CBC News has learned.

The move goes against a key recommendation ofretired Supreme Court justice Morris Fish's report urgingsweepingchanges to the military's judicial system. In that report,Fish called onthe military to surrender controlof sexual assault investigationsto civilian authorities until it reformsthe way it deals with victims' rights.

When Fish's report was released in late May,Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan said the federalgovernment accepted its recommendations in principle. More thantwo months later, the military confirms it has yet to hand over a single sexual misconduct investigationto civilian police.

WATCH:Stphanie Viaudescribes alleged sexual assault

Stphanie Viau shares her story of alleged sexual assault by current military head of HR

3 years ago
Duration 9:17
Viau said Vice-Admiral Haydn Edmundson's inappropriate behaviour escalated to rape onboard HMCS Provider decades ago

In March, former military memberStphanie Viau alleged her superior Vice-Admiral Haydn Edmundson raped her in 1991 onboard a navy ship docked in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. She was 19at the time and Edmundson was a superior and lieutenant commander, she said. Edmundson has denied the allegation and remains on leave with pay from the military.

Viau's lawyer Paul Champsaid the military told himit would not ask for RCMPofficersto be assigned to the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service (CFNIS) to investigate Viau's case.He saidViaunow has to move forwardwith a militaryinvestigation she doesn't trust.

"It's remarkably tone-deaf," said Champ. "It was such a simple request ... It was a reasonable request. I just don't know what they're thinking.

"If this case can't be handled in the sensitive and independent manner that it requires, how can any woman in the Canadian military come forward and feel confident that her complaint will be investigated properly and thoroughly and decisions will be made in an independent manner?"

The military has been in the midst of a sexual misconduct crisis since January that has swept up multiple senior leaders.The military is starting to release the results of its investigations.

On Friday night, the defence department released a statement saying Admiral Art McDonald would not face criminal charges in relation to an investigation into an allegation of sexual misconduct.

McDonald replacedGen. Jonathan Vance as chief of the defence staff in January; he stepped aside just a month laterafter news of the allegationand investigation wentpublic.

Vance himselfhas been charged with one count of obstruction of justice related to an ongoing military investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct.

Vance denies the allegations and McDonald has not commented publicly.

No confidence

Viau's case could be seen as an earlytest of the willingness of theLiberal government and themilitaryto followthe Fish report's recommendations. Champ saidthe government failed that test.

Viauhas said she has noconfidence in the ability of theCFNIS themilitary's investigative branch to thoroughlyinvestigateallegations against a senior militaryleader.

Edmundson was a commander in charge of human resources management for all military personnel when Viau went public. The military has since replaced Edmundson;his lawyer says it was unfair to remove him from his post before he had a chance to defend himself against"untested" allegations.

WATCH: Military HR chief was investigated over claims of inappropriate behaviour

Militarys human resources commander was investigated for inappropriate behaviour

4 years ago
Duration 1:59
CBC News has learned the commander in charge of human resources for the Armed Forces was investigated for allegations of inappropriate behaviour in the 1990s. The discovery comes as the Canadian military has two senior officers facing allegations of sexual misconduct.

Viau also said she was raped by a military police officer, according to her application for the sexual misconduct class action lawsuit filed in 2020.

In his report, Fish saidthe military's current system is rife with the potential for interference from the chain of command and urged sweeping changes. Fish said military judges should be civilians and the military's top police officer should be appointedindependent of the chain of command.

He also said sexual assault claims should not be investigated or prosecuted in the military system until certain conditions are met, such as extending to military complainantsthevictims' rights enshrined in the civilian justice system in 2015.

Champ said he asked CFNIS to task experienced RCMPofficers to Viau's case and for them to seek an independent legal opinion about whether there is a reasonable prospect of conviction.CFNIS wouldn't agree to either request, according to email correspondence viewed by CBC News.

"All sexual assault complaints reported to the CFNIS are investigated by the CFNIS as there are no other resourcing alternatives,"Insp. Chris Pallisteran RCMP officer seconded to CFNIS as a major case adviser wroteto Champ.

"I am the only RCMP Officer seconded to the CFNIS.My position is strictly advisory in nature and while seconded to the CFNIS, I report to the CFNIS Chain of Command, not the RCMP."

But Champ cites a 2007casehe was involved in which saw RCMP officers seconded to an investigation ofthe military's top police officer.

The defence department said it would not comment on Viau'scase. The military continues to have jurisdiction over sexual assault cases and decisions about where and how they are investigated, the department said.

The military has started implementing 36 out of 107 of Fish's recommendations and animplementation plan for the remaining recommendations will be tabled in Parliament in the fall, the department said.

The department added that a victimcan file a complaint with "any police force at any time."

WATCH: Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan responds to report on military justice system

Defence minister addresses report on military justice system

3 years ago
Duration 1:08
Harjit Sajjan talks about a report issued by former Supreme Court justice Morris Fish on the military justice system.

Thedecision to leaveRCMPout of the investigation was made despite Sajjan'sassurances that Viauwould be supported through the process. According to a statement from his office issued March 31,Sajjan told military officials to ensure Viau had all the support she needed, including help with"obtain[ing] the appropriate police investigation that she requests."

'Zero credibility'

Megan MacKenzieis the Simons Chair in International Law and Human Security at Simon Fraser University and is leading an international project studying sexual misconduct in the military. Shesaid Viau's case furtherundermines complainants'confidence in their ability to come forward and seek justice.

She said it's the responsibility ofSajjan and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to ensure the military is carrying outFish's recommendations quickly.

The Liberal government has said it accepts the Fish report's recommendations in principle and it will implement them as quickly as possible. (The Canadian Press)

"It'sa failure and it's very high profile," said MacKenzie. "The dysfunctional institution cannot fix itself, especially when it comes to a problem that involves so many senior leaders.

"I think we have a prime minister who's identified as a feminist prime minister, but he and the minister of defence have zero credibility on this file. They have zero trust, especially from victims of sexual assault in the military. We just haven't seen the kind of leadership we would expect."

The prime minister's office said the government's focus is on supporting sexual assault survivors.

"We need for every woman or man who serves in our military to work in a workplace free from harassment and we will continue to do everything we can to ensure that is the case," said Trudeau's press secretary Alex Wellstead in a media statement.

Sajjan's office said he does not get involved directlyin police investigations and remains committed to the "complete cultural overhaul of the CAF." The office points to an independentreview by former Supreme Court justice Louise Arbournow underwayand a new in-house position focused on reforming the military's culture.

Deputy minister contacted Viau's boss

Champ said Viau's case has been handled poorly from the start. After Viau went public, he said,Deputy Defence Minister Jody Thomas contacted her workplace another government department and spoke to her deputy minister about the case. A message was sent down the chainto Viau that Thomas wanted to speak to her, said Champ.

"Stephanie was devastated," said Champ. "She couldn't understand why they would do something like that. She was embarrassed. It made it awkward for her to continue working for a while."

Thomas later apologized, said Champ. The defence department said the intention was never to make Viau uncomfortable, but rather to ensure her workplace was providing her with support.

Champ said it would be difficult for Viau to go to theRCMP directly since her case took place outside of Canada on a navy ship, which raises jurisdictional issues.

Edmundson's lawyer has not yet responded to CBC's request for comment.

With files from Kristen Everson