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UN experts probing destruction of Flight PS752 accuse Iran of breaking international law

Iran committed multiple violations of human rights and international law by shooting down Ukranian International Airlines Flight PS752, according to the results of an investigation by twoUnited Nations experts.

Special rapporteur rejects Iran's explanation for deaths of 176 civilians after 6 month investigation

United Nations special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions Agns Callamard accused Iranian authorities of violating the right to life of the 176 people who died when Ukranian International Airlines Flight PS752 was shot down by two surface-to-air missiles. (Jose Cabezas/Reuters)

Iranian authorities committed multiple violations of human rights and international law in the lead-up to and aftermath of the destructionof Ukranian International Airlines Flight PS752, according to the results of a damninginvestigation by twoUnited Nations experts.

Shortly after taking off from a Tehran airporton Jan. 8, 2020,theplane was shot down by two surface-to-air missiles launched by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).The attack killedall 176 passengers and crew members aboard,including138 people with ties to Canada.

Agns Callamard, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, released today the results of a six-month investigation into the eventthat callinto question the findingsof the official Iranian investigation.

Callamardconcluded that Iran violated the "right to life" of those 176 peopleby resorting to lethal forceand failing to take proper precautions while allowingmilitary units to operate so closely to civilian aircraft at a time when the country was experiencing heightened military tensions with the U.S.

Callamardalso said the rights of many of the victims' family memberswere violated when they were deniedaccess to the crash site andsubjected to harassment by Iranian authorities for speaking out.

"As a result of these systematic violations and failures by the Iranian authorities to meet their human rights obligations, 176 lives were lost and many more were harmed as a result of what happened after the strike," saidCallamardduringa virtual press conference today.

"The families of the victims and, indeed,Iraniansociety...are left without the answers they deserve.They are left churning over and over again in their minds: how could this have happened?"

WATCH | UN experts says Iran broke international law after downing of Flight 752:

UN expert says Iran broke international law after downing of Flight 752

4 years ago
Duration 2:29
UN special rapporteur Agnes Callamard says Iranian authorities committed multiple violations of human rights and international law in the leadup and aftermath of the downing of Flight 752.

Callamardfaulted Iran for failing to close its airspace even though there was a possibility of a U.S.attack, saying thisamounted to a "failure to protect" under international human rights law.

The Iranian military was on high alert at the time of the incident because ofthe assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimaniin a U.S. drone strike five days earlier, and a subsequent retaliatory attack by Iran on U.S. bases in neighbouring Iraq.

Callamard said the apparentlack of co-ordination between civilian air authorities andIranian military units which had moved a number of anti-aircraft guns into the area nearthe airport revealed a deep failure of the chain of command in both.

Inconsistencies in Iranian investigation

An Iranian investigation found that the IRGC military personnel who launched the missiles mistook thecivilian aircraft for an incoming U.S. missile.

But Callamard said the Iranian investigationdid not meetinternational standards.

In December, she sent a letter to theIranian governmentdetailing her observations and posing questions about the missilestrike. Iran has yet to respond to the letter, which was made public today.

Callamard's letter describes a number of inconsistencies she saidraise questions about theofficial account:

  • The Iranian investigation said a military commander launched both missiles at the planewithout proper authorization. Callamard wrote that the investigation failed to explain why military personnel wouldn't be informed that the plane was set to take off.
  • Iran allegedan error in the alignment of the mobile missile unit contributed to the mistaken targeting of the plane. Callamard said Iran hasn't properly explained how theradar miscalibration occurred, how it led to the targeting of the aircraft, and why it wasn't detected.
  • Callamardsaid Iran's investigation didn't explain why standard procedures for evaluating a potential target weren't followed byIRGC military personnel such as monitoring altitude, climb, descent rate or airspeed toevaluatethe target's size, or checking the target visually.
  • Callamard said Iran hasn't properly explained why other planes took off without incident that night.
  • TheIRGC Aerospace Force Commander has said the militaryunit had only 10 seconds to decide to whether to fire. Callamard said her investigation showedthe unit had at least a 45 secondsto evaluate the target.

Callamard said while she did not find any concrete evidence that the plane was shot down intentionally, the Iranian investigation had not proved beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn't targeted.

"The inconsistencies inthe official explanation and the reckless nature of the mistakes have led many, including myself, to question whether the downing of Flight PS752 was intentional," shesaid.

"The information released thus far makes it impossible to answer many basic questions and clarify conjectures. Without answers, suspicion that civilians were intentionally targeted will remain."

Callamard told CBC News by email herinvestigation included reviewing all of the available documentation originating in Iran, reviewing technical and military information about the missile units, interviewing a large number of radar and military experts, and analyzing all the information against a legal framework.

UN special rapporteur Agns Callamard said the Iranian investigation into the downing of Flight PS752 didn't meet international standards. (Reuters)

Questions of credibility

Canada has raised questions about Iran's credibility regardingthe PS752 investigation.

Prime Minister JustinTrudeau'sspecial adviser on the file, Ralph Goodale,has said Iran's pattern of behaviour has convinced Ottawa it can't trust its version of events.

In December, Goodaleissued a report saying that Iran should not be left in charge of the investigationsinceits military caused the deadly crash in the first place.

Canada alsohascreated a team, led by a former CSIS director,to try topiece together the sequence of events despite having noaccess to the crash site, the evidence gathered by Iranian authorities, witnesses or the accused.

Payam Akhavan, a former UN prosecutor at The Hague, told CBC News that the UN report corroborates many of Goodale's concerns.

He said the fact that that a UN investigator for arbitrary executions pursued an investigation into Flight PS752is quite significant.

"Typically, when we're talking about arbitrary or extrajudicial executions we're talking about someone being lined up and shot and executed," said Akhavan.

"The mere fact that the special rapporteur has pursued this investigation signals her preliminary view that ... the steps taken resulting in its destruction represent a situation where death was foreseeable and preventable."

Akhavansaid the report will likely be tabled with the UN Human Rights Council and could be used in the future as the foundation of ahuman rights resolutions adopted by the UNGeneral Assembly or asevidencein international legal proceedings.

Hamed Esmaeilion, wholost his wife and daughter, on Flight PS752, said the UN report shows the importance of the case.

"I think it's a turning point," said Esmaeilion, who has become a spokesperson for victims' families in Canada.

WATCH |Goodale says Iran should not be investigating Flight 752 crash:

Iran should not be investigating Flight 752 crash: Goodale report

4 years ago
Duration 2:01
A new Canadian report says Iran should not be investigating the events around Flight PS752, shot down by its own military in January, killing 138 people with ties to Canada. Special advisor Ralph Goodales report criticizes the country for its lack of transparency from the start.

He said it's now time for the International Civil Aviation Organization, the UN, and the five countries that lost citizens to take action. He said the families want the case taken to the International Court of Justice.

"We're frustrated," he said."We've been waiting for reaction. We want to see words turn into action. We're alive and we want to see truth and justice one day."

Following the report's release, Goodale told CBC News the Canadian government would review the report carefully. He said thatwhile the UN process is separate from Canada's examination, it raised many of the same unanswered questions as the ongoing Canadian one.

"If Iran wishes to provide solace to the grieving families and gain credibility in the international community, it is incumbent upon them to fully answer the probing question the world is asking and to provide the hard evidence upon which those answers are based," Goodale wrote in an email.