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Canada to apply USMCA cultural exemption to trade in digital media

The broad cultural exemption Canada fought to keep in the renegotiation of the North American free trade deal will allow for Canadian content rules in digital media. But the Trudeau government will not apply the exemption to avoid extending the length of copyright protections for artistic works.

Government decides not to exempt artistic works from 20-year copyright extension

The North American Free Trade Agreement was written before trade in digital media services even existed. The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal attempts to define fair trade in the digital realm, but Canada wants to continue to give special treatment to its cultural industries. (Elise Amendola/Associated Press)

The broad cultural exemption Canada fought to keep in the renegotiated North American free trade deal will allow for Canadian content rules in digital media.

But government sources saythe Trudeau government will not use that exemption in order to escape a section of the revised trade deal that extendscopyright protections for artistic works by 20 years.

Since the text of the United StatesMexicoCanada Agreement (USMCA) was released on Oct.1, it's been unclear exactly which chapters Canada's cultural sector must comply with, and from which provisions it will be exempt. In response to CBCNews inquiries, government sources haveclarified what's actually covered.

Like the original CanadaU.S. free trade agreement and its successor, NAFTA, USMCAincludesa broad cultural exemption near the end of its text to allow Canadian policymakers to continue favouring their domestic cultural industries, includingpublishing, film, television, news and music.

But USMCA's digital trade chapter says nocountry is allowed to discriminate or give less favourable treatment todigital products "created, produced, published, contracted for, commissioned or first made available on commercial terms in the territory of another party, or to digital products of which the author, performer, producer, developer or owner is a person of another party."

USMCAdoesallow a government to provide subsidies or grants to its own residents and businesses, including "government-supported loans, guarantees and insurance."

With digital text, audio and video becoming more and more popular, and with print media and analog broadcast services in decline, the Canadian government wanted to ensure it could continue to favour domestic industries in the future.

Stronger protectionthan TPP

Canada failed to secure a broad cultural exemption in the Trans-Pacific Partnership text it reached with the U.S., Mexico and other Pacific Rim trading partners in 2015, although some specific cultural exceptions were written into chapters of that agreement.

When the U.S. left the TPP and minor revisions were made to refashion the deal into the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership between the remaining 11 countries Canada sought and received side letters from each partner exempting Canadian cultural industries from two specific measures in the digital trade chapter.

Canada wanted to be exempt from TPPrules thatpreventedforeign digital content from being blocked. It also wanted to preserve its abilityto require that foreign digital content creators pay into fundsfrom which theycouldnot benefit.

Preserving abroad cultural exemption during the NAFTA talks wasn't easy, but Canadasucceeded.

On Tuesday, a government official confirmed to CBCNews that, despite previous demands from the American side that digital content not be subject to a cultural exemption, the USMCAexemptionallowsfor Canadian content rules in the digital sphere.

The Trudeau government says it won't apply the cultural exemption in the new North American trade deal to a section of the agreement that extends copyright for books and other creative works. (Jonathan Elderfield/The Associated Press)

Consider, for example, a hypotheticalgovernment program offering funding to support Canadian online journalismin the face of failing advertising and subscription revenue models.

The government might want to make sure it's allowedto spend taxpayers' money only on Canadian newswritten by Canadian journalists, as opposed to the work of foreign news outlets.

Similarly, it might want to preserve its abilityto fund or otherwise set favourable rules for Canadian audio or video content,in a world where more and more music, games, movies and television shows are streamed, not broadcast or purchased for playback.

Retaliation possible

"(The exemption) applies to all cultural industries regardless of the mode of diffusion, whether it is online or under additional formats," saidGilbertGagn, who specializes in trade policy research atBishop's University.

The new USMCAtext, however, could have a chilling effect on Canadian policy, Gagn cautioned.

The cultural exemptionallowsthe U.S. or Mexico to retaliate if Canada goes too far in protecting its domestic industries. The text specifies that other parties "may take a measure of equivalent commercial effect" in response to something deemed too egregious a violation of fair trade.

"To the extent that the U.S. insists in the absence of restrictions in digital trade, and this includesthe cultural dimension, would the Canadian government refrain from promoting Canadian content online?" Gagnsaid."There is always the danger. But that danger has always existed."

Evaluating the USMCA trade deal from Quebec's perspective

6 years ago
Duration 6:56
Sometimes people cheat, so you need arbitration,' says Quebec's chief NAFTA negotiator Raymond Bachand.

Copyright terms not exempt

While the cultural exemption was important to Canada for the digital trade chapter, the same government source toldCBCNewsthe exemption will not be applied to the intellectual property chapter's copyright extensions.

Creative works like books or musical compositions areamong the copyrighted material that will receive 20 more years of protection under USMCA. Canadian law currently provides a copyright for 50 years after the death of its creator, but USMCA will require70 years.

While it might have been legallypossible for Canada to useits broad exemption to cover copyrightsas well, the government source that spoke to CBCNews said Canada will keep the commitment it made to its North American trading partners and change its law accordingly.

Bringing Canadian copyrights in line with American law was a priority for U.S. negotiators.

No WTOarbitration on culture

The fine print at the bottom of the cultural exemption includes something else that could be considered a win for Canada.

If disputes arise over Canada'scultural exemption, the text saysthese disagreements will be resolvedthrough the dispute settlement provisions of USMCA an arbitration panel wouldhear the arguments and decide if a policy reversal or retaliation is warranted.

"The U.S. cannot go to the [World Trade Organization]anymore," Gagn said. "I think this is a significant accomplishment."

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, chief negotiator Steve Verheul and Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland walked together to the press conference marking the successful renegotiation of NAFTA on Oct. 1. Canadian negotiators had to fight to keep a broad cultural exemption in the final text. (Justin Tang/Canadian Press)

Why would Canada prefer aUSMCA panel arbitration?

"Within theWTOthere is a danger for Canada that some cultural measures would be deemed to contravene international trade rules,"Gagnsaid.

In the 1990s, the U.S. brought a case tothe WTOover Canada's treatment of split-run magazines publications full of American content sold with Canadian advertising to Canadian readers.

The WTOallowed Canada to keep subsidizing Canadian publications, but the panel found that Canada was wrong to assume NAFTA's cultural exemption allowed it to prohibit imports of split-run magazines, charge higher postal rates for imported publications and impose an 80 per cent tax on advertising in split-run issues.

Thistextkeeps any disputes the Americans might raise inside the USMCA'sjurisdiction.

"It's not at all perfect. There is no ironclad guarantee that Canadian cultural initiatives could not be subject to retaliation from the United States," Gagnsaid. "But there is nevertheless greater protection for Canadian culture than there used to be."

USMCA is expected to be signed by the three countries in late November and ratified in 2019.