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Wheat board bill clears 2nd vote

MPs voted Monday night to send the bill to end the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly to committee. Meanwhile, NDP critic Pat Martin says any prairie MP who's a grain farmer should abstain from the vote due to a conflict of interest.

NDP critic suggests Tory MPs involved in prairie grain farming have conflict of interest

MPs will vote Monday night on whether to keep moving the bill to end the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly through the House of Commons. (Rob Gillies/Associated Press)

The government's legislation to make farmers' sales tothe Canadian Wheat Board voluntary cleared another hurdle in the House of Commons Monday night, with MPs voting to send it to the next stage on its path through Parliament.

The voteon second reading of the bill moves it to committee, where MPs willhear witnessesdiscussthe legislation. It will then go back to the House for a third vote. If it makes it through the House, it moves on to the same process in the Senate.

Last week, the government moved time allocation, limiting the number of days for debate at this stage in the House.

NDP motion

Up for debate on Tuesday, moved by Manitoba MP Niki Ashton:

"That, in the opinion of the House, farmers have a democratic right to determine the future of their own supply management tools and marketing boards; and recognizing this right, the House calls on the government to set aside its legislation abolishing the Canada Wheat Board (CWB) single desk and to conduct a full and free vote by all current members of the CWB to determine their wishes, and calls on the government to agree to honour the outcome of that democratic process."

Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz says western Canadian farmers shouldn't be forced to sell their grain through the wheat board. NDP and Liberal MPs say the wheat board is important for keeping prices fair for farmers, and fear large agribusinesses will have an upper hand in dealing with farmers if the wheat board loses its monopoly.

Speaking in the House of Commons before question period on Monday, NDP wheat board critic Pat Martin suggested Conservative MPs with a personal or family business stake in prairie grain farming would be in a potential conflict of interest should they vote in favour of legislation to end the board's monopoly.

"If you believe the [agriculture] minister's supposition that Prairie farmers will make more money if they abolish the Canadian Wheat Board, then any Prairie farmer or any farmer in the Conservative caucus finds himself in a conflict of interest and therefore is both duty-bound and honour-bound to recuse himself not just from the votebut from any debate that promotes the abolition of the wheat board," Martin said, referring to the conflict-of-interest codefor MPs."You can't have it both ways."

Martin has writtentofederal Ethics CommissionerMary Dawson about seven Conservative MPs representing rural Prairie ridings that he's identified as having a stake in the grain industry:David Anderson, Leon Benoit, Earl Dreeshen, Randy Hoback, Ted Menzies, Rob Merrifield and Kevin Sorenson.

In a statement, Ritz said Martin's claim is inaccurate.

"Using this ridiculous analogy is equivalent to saying a taxpayer cannot vote on a budget because it decreases the taxes they pay,"Ritz said.

Martin asked for an expedited ruling from the commissioner about whether these MPsmust abstain onthe final vote for the bill, which he expects "within a week or ten days."

The governmentsays it wants the bill to become law beforethe endof the year.

Farmers jailed

Anderson,the parliamentary secretary responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board, also spoke before question period, reminding the House that nine years ago 13 farmers servedsentencesinthe LethbridgeCorrectional Centreforcrossing the U.S. border with their grain in open defiance of the board's system.

A reunion of those involved with the1996 "Farmersfor Justice"border crossings and subsequent legal battle is planned for Tuesday.

"Their sacrifice will not be in vain," Anderson's statement concluded.

In Ottawa onTuesday, the NDPplans touseits designated Opposition daywhen the party canput an issue of its own choosing on the agenda in the House of Commonsto debate a motion calling on the government to "set aside its legislation abolishing the Canada Wheat Board single desk," conduct a fair vote to determine what farmers want and then "honourthe outcome of that democratic process."

Wheat board officials are meeting Tuesday in Winnipeg to discuss a legal challenge to the proposed law.