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How Pope Francis's treatise could create 'seismic shift' in the church

Pope Francis may not have made any specific changes to Catholic doctrine in his recent treatise, but the thoughts and pronouncements released on Friday should still be considered an important document that could lead to a significant cultural shift in the church, according to theologians.

Francis suggests that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics could receive communion

Pope Francis suggested, for the first time, in his recent treatise that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics could receive communion from bishops and priests on a case-by-case basis. (Andrew Medichini/Associated Press)

Pope Francis may not have made anyspecific changes to Catholicdoctrine in his recent treatise, butthe thoughts and pronouncements released on Fridayshould still be considered an important document that could lead to a significantcultural shift in the church,according to theologians.

"It's a seismic shift," says Gerard Mannion, aprofessor in Catholic studiesat Georgetown University's department of theology. "A lot of people are saying he hasn't changed any doctrine, but that's not true actually because doctrine is a lot more than what's set in stone in rigid terms.

"He'schangingthe tone, he'schangingthe realism ofthe church and he's actually encouraging the church to put pastoral care ahead of particular rules and particular norms. It's a carefully crafted document once it gets into its flow. It's a real game changer in terms of church's teaching."

The 256-page TheJoy of Lovewastwo years in the making and the product of an unprecedented canvassing of ordinary Catholics and senior churchmen. In it,Francis suggests, for the first time, that divorced and civilly remarried Catholics couldreceive communion frombishops and priests on a case-by-case basis.

Church teaching holds that unless such Catholicsreceive an annulment, or a church decree that their first marriagewas invalid, they are committing adultery and cannot receive thesacrament.

"The Pope [is]saying, Ithink in a codedway but in a clear way to those who read the Roman tea leaves, in certain circumstances, it's possible for a divorced and remarried person to turn to thesacraments," saidRev. JamesBretzke, a Boston College theologian.

"But he's notgivingblanket permission."

More revolutionary,saysBretzke, is Francis's note thatchurch authorityshouldhelp formmoralconsciences, but should not be asubstitutefor one's own informed conscience.

"We have been called to form consciences, not to replace them," Francis says in the document.

'Breathtaking quotable quote'

"That is a breathtaking quotable quote that would have been completely unimaginable in the pontificates of Pope Benedict and Pope John Paul II," Bretzke says.

It had been previouslyheld that any good Catholic had to follow the current church teachings on issues because that teaching wasauthoritative, said Bretzke.

"What Pope Francisis doing here in this document, is he'schangingthe code a bit. He's saying you have tofollowwhat youbelieveGod is askingof you and we trust in God's grace."

Mannion saysthe Pope is also reversing the trend of the last 40 years that has seen some people stoptaking the church seriously.

"All of a sudden, people are sitting, listening to what a Pope is saying about human sexuality and relationships. I think it's enormously significant and itwill take some time before people realize just how much this is going to transformso much of what the church does."

Pope Francis's 256-page treatise was two years in the making and the product of an unprecedented canvassing of ordinary Catholics and senior churchmen. (Jason Lee/Reuters)

Gay Catholics had hopedfor otherchanges.The treatiseoffered nothing significant beyond existing church teaching that gays are not to be discriminated against and are to be welcomed into the church with respect and dignity. It repeated the church's position that same-sex unions can in no way be equivalent to marriage between a man and woman.

"I think that if you're a gay person, you're largely disappointed in that there's really no shift," said David Deane, associate professor of theology at Halifax's Atlantic School of Theology.

Deanealsosaysthedocument may not be asgroundbreaking as others suggested. Itdoesn'thave the same status as a papalencyclical, he says,meaning it maynot be asbinding.

'Moderate, middle-of-the-road'

He agreesthat its purpose is not necessarily to change doctrine or teaching, but to change the culture.

"What this text is is a very moderate, middle-of-the-road text which is definitely not a liberal document but it's also not a conservative document," Deane said. "It's not changing the letter of the law but it's shifting the spirit of the law and the pastoral practice."

Bretzkesays the Pope is quite aware of divisions in the church and is trying to avoid increasing polarization.

"He's not all of a suddenly goingto say 'Hey, I'm totallyundoing thingspeoplehave beenpreaching andteaching in decades," added Mannion."But he'smoving things forward."

With files from The Associated Press