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How a QAnon conspiracy theory about Ukraine bioweapons became mainstream disinformation

More than a quarter of Americanspolledat the end of March said they believe that the United States has been developingbioweaponsin labs across Ukraine a conspiracy conceived, crafted, and amplified byQAnonand the Russian government.

It started as a fringe belief. Now it's an official stated reason for Russias invasion

The bio-level 3 and 4 research lab at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick is seen in this file photo from Sept. 26, 2002. On Feb. 24, a theory emerged that Moscow was out to destroy a clandestine U.S. weapons program in 'biolabs' across Ukraine. (Olivier Douliery/AFP/Getty Images)

More than a quarter of Americanspolledat the end of March said they believe that the United States has been developingbioweaponsin labs across Ukraine a conspiracy conceived, craftedand amplified byQAnonand the Russian government.

Five weeks ago, that conspiracy theory was little more than a fringe belief. Today, it is an official stated reason for Russia's brutal invasion. And it could be a sign of what President Vladimir Putin is plotting next.

"There's zero basis in fact for doing anything inbioweaponsor any kind of research like that at all," saidRobert Pope, a senior official at the U.S.DefenseThreat Reduction Agency. He says this patterngoes back to Soviet propaganda, trying to establish that America has been developing weapons to destroy the Russian people.

"This is purely a Russian propaganda effort to try and undermine the work the United States is doing," said Tom Moore, a non-proliferation expert who has worked in the U.S. Senate and at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"The smoking gun isn't even a mushroom cloud in this case. It's not even a provable vial of anthrax anywhere. We've gotten rid of all that. This is purely political."

It started with a tweet

Bioweapons remain a firm red line in international war. During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union weaponized agents like anthrax and smallpox but never deployed them on any large scale. Anthraxcan be deployed against an enemy and be transmitted organically when spores get into the body, while smallpox can spread through person-to-person contact amongmilitary personnel or civilians.

The U.S. shuttered its bioweapons research program in the late 1960s, while the Soviets continued their development right up until the fall of the Berlin Wall. Fears of bioweapons research have continued, however.

On Feb. 24, in the hours after Russian airstrikes began hitting military and civilian targets across Ukraine,a theory emerged that Moscow was out to destroy a clandestine U.S. weapons program in "biolabs"across Ukraine.

A tweet by user @WarClandestine claims that the intent of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is to destroy supposed U.S.-backed bioweapon labs. (Twitter/War Clandestine)

In the weeks before the invasion, Twitter user @WarClandestine had largely been tweeting about the occupation taking place in Ottawa. In previous months, the account also promoted QAnon conspiracy theories, telling his followers to trust "the plan" to return former U.S. President Donald Trump to power.

Then the account, run by a user only just recently identified as Jacob Creech, a former member of the Virginia National Guard, shared a map plotting "biolabs" in Ukraine. He cited "speculation" that Russia may be targeting its airstrikes for those labs.

"China and Russia indirectly (and correctly) blamed the U.S. for the [COVID-19] outbreak, and are fearful that the U.S./allies have more viruses (bioweapons) to let out," he wrote.

@WarClandestine's tweets about U.S.-backed biolabs in Ukraine racked up thousands of re-tweets. (Twitter/War Clandestine)

The tweets racked up thousands of retweets. The claims were quickly run, verbatim, on conspiracy website Infowars hours later, with a blaring headline: "Russian Strikes Targeting U.S.-Run Bio-Labs in Ukraine?"

In the days that followed, this conspiracy theory would percolate through a string of anti-vaccine,QAnon, and pro-Russian social media networks. @WarClandestinewas suspended by Twitter multiple times, butscreengrabsof his tweets were shared widely.

Theories like this are fairly common amongthose who ascribe to QAnon which holds that there is a corrupt "deep state" in the U.S., responsible for rigging elections, developingCOVID-19, and trafficking children into sex slavery. Only Trump, they believe, has been able to effectively fight this corrupt shadow regime.

In particular,QAnondogma has long believed that Ukraine is a refuge for deep state actors.

Russian propaganda

The very tenets of @WarClandestine'stheory relies on Russian propaganda. When he first launched the theory in late February, he pointed to comments madeto a Russian newspaper in 2021 bya close Putin advisorthat "more and more biological laboratories under U.S. control are growing considerably in the world and by a strange coincidence, mainly by the Russian and Chinese borders."

The comments echo a concerted effort made by Moscow and Beijing to suggest that the U.S. was responsible for theCOVID-19 virus a push that coincided with mounting domestic criticism of their governments' autocratic handling of the pandemic.

Russia and China have also used the United Nations to allege the U.S. is running a clandestinebioweaponsprogram, in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention.

But experts say Russia and China are keen to deflect criticism of their own programs.

An example of one of many Russian website pushing the bioweapons theory, rusdozor.ru, features an image of Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. (rusdozor.ru)

"They say, 'No, I know you are, but what am I?' That's what they've been doing, in this age of false equivalence, for some time now," said Moore.

All three countries are signatories to the largely non-binding Biological Weapons Convention, but only the United States publishes details about its efforts to comply with it. An independent global health review ranks the U.S.first in the worldin terms ofbiosafety,biosecurityand transparency.

Russia makes it 'official'

On Feb. 27, the Russian Embassy in Sarajevo posted an update to its Facebook page, writingthat in addition to Moscow's stated reasons for invading Ukraine, the "demilitarization anddenazification" of the country, it was also because the U.S. was "filling Ukraine withbiolabs, which were very possibly used to study methods for destroying the Russian people at the genetic level."

@WarClandestinepicked up on the news with glee: "My hypothesis was correct!" he wrote on a freshly created Twitter account. The #biolabshashtag began trending on Twitter andTikTok.

In the days that followed, a raft of Russian-language channels on Telegram, a platform popular in Russia and Ukraine, began sharing posts about these rumouredbioweaponslabs. Sputnik News, a Kremlin-run propaganda agency, published a report accusing the government of deleting documents proving the labs' existence.

Russia Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia shows documents during a UN Security Council emergency meeting in New York on March 11, 2022. The Security Council held the meeting at the request of Moscow, after it accused the U.S. of funding research into the development of biological weapons in Ukraine. (Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images)

In early March, former Russian presidentDmitryMedvedevgave an interview where he mused that Russia did not know who ran or managed Ukraine's biological facilities, and suggested they could lead to an infectious disease outbreak. On March 3, Foreign Minister SergeiLavrovtold a news conference that the U.S.had "developed pathogens" in those Ukrainianbiolabs.

By March 11, the Russian Ministry of Defence was holding news conferencesalleging that the U.S.bioweaponsprogram involveddeliberately infectingbirds and dispatching them to fly into Russia.

"There's zero basis in fact" for those allegations,Pope said. No credible independent review has backed up these claims.

"There is no conspiracy," Moore said. "There is no man behind the curtain."

WATCH | Robert Pope on how the Russian government spreads disinformation:

Robert Pope on how the Russian government spreads disinformation

2 years ago
Duration 0:30
Robert Pope of the U.S. Defense Department's Defense Threat Reduction Agency describes how the Russian government exploits fear to help spread disinformation.

'Tiny grains of truth'

On March 12, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs shared aninfographicon Twitter: It connected two Ukrainians,UlanaandMarkoSuprun, to a man in an SS uniform.

"Ukraine'sbiolabswere funded by the Pentagon to develop biological weapons," the ministry wrote. "These labs in Ukraine were subordinate to the Health Ministry. In the summer of 2016, Barack Obama's Democrat administration sent U.S. nationalUlyanaSuprun(born and raised in the U.S.) to Ukraine, where she becamehealth minister of Ukraine."

When asked about the tweetin late March,UlanaSuprunlaughed. The ministry correctly identified her as the former ministerof health for Ukraine; her husband, as the founder of Stop Fake, an anti-disinformation agency; and her father, an American Ukrainian. But that's where the accuracy ends.

The tweet includes a line to Ulana's grandfather: Aman in a Nazi SS uniform.

"That's not my grandfather!" she toldCBCNewsfromKyiv.

"What was striking was how they put the story together. It's how disinformation works, right?" she said. "Tiny grains of truth. And then they mash them together."

That's exactly what's at the core of thebiolabsconspiracy theory.

WATCH |Justin Ling on how the conspiracy theory about biolabs in Ukraine went viral:

Justin Ling on how the conspiracy theory about biolabs in Ukraine went viral

2 years ago
Duration 1:43
Investigative reporter Justin Ling exposes how a conspiracy theory about biolabs in Ukraine started with a single tweet, went viral, exploded into the mainstream and eventually became part of the official Russian narrative to justify its invasion of Ukraine.

U.S. biological research in Ukraine

The U.S.does fund biological research in Ukraine through its Department ofDefence just as it does in dozens of countries around the world.

That program began in the 1990s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, which maintained an expansive bioweapons program. Two U.S. senators, SamNunnand RichardLugar, began worrying about a network of those laboratories that were now the responsibility of newly independent governments with little expertise inbiosafety.

Those efforts were eventually consolidated into theDefenseThreat Reduction Agency.

"These programs represented a really, really, really forward step in an area where the United States and the Soviet Union never really achieved a whole lot of progress," Moore said. He worked for Sen.Lugarfor a decade, starting in the early 2000s. "This is why we're doing it today."

A damaged gas mask lies on the pavement at a Russian position which was overran by Ukrainian forces, outside Kyiv, Ukraine, Thursday, March 31, 2022. (Vadim Ghirda/The Associated Press)

In its earliest form, the program sent American experts into labs throughout Europe to help local scientists identify dangerous pathogens, and either destroy or better secure them. New labs were built, security protocols were establishedand staff were trained.

Over time, as the bulk of the bioweapons program was dismantled "we got rid of what we could co-operatively get rid of," Moore saidthe program turned its attention to figuring out how to better monitor and prepare for infectious disease outbreaks.

Thatincluded helping those former Soviet states and satellites safely store viruses and bacteria collected from nature.

In 2018, then-Health Minister Suprunembarked on an effort to modernize Ukraine'sbiosafetyandbiosecuritysystem, working with Pope's agency. Those attempts were consistently maligned by Moscow as nefarious.

Worry of a 'false flag' attack

On March 8, as U.S. Undersecretary of State VictoriaNulandtestified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee about the escalating war in Ukraine, Sen.MarcoRubio, in an apparent attempt to rebut the emerging propaganda, askedNuland: "Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?"

"Ukraine has biological research facilities,"Nulandsaid, stressing the word "research."What's more, she said, the U.S. government was "quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of [them]."

This has been a long-standing concern. When Suprunwas health minister, Russian forces seized control of two biological research facilities in the eastern cityof Donetsk and an anti-plague research facility in Crimea.

"Every single strain of bacteria or virus has been genetically sequenced and it is identifiable," she said.

The fear was that, should Russia gain access to those samples, it could "release them somewhere in the world and blame Ukraine, because they can be identified as being Ukrainian," she said.

WATCH | Russia accused of 'false flag' tactics over bioweapons claim:

Russia accused of false flag tactics over bioweapons claim about U.S., Ukraine

3 years ago
Duration 2:03
The United Nations says theres no evidence to prove Russias claim that Ukraine ran biological warfare laboratories with U.S. support. Ukraine expressed concern that Russias claim could be a false flag tactic designed to allow the Kremlin to use its own biological weapons against Ukrainians.

The U.S. State Department has repeatedly warned that Russia may be plotting a "false flag" chemical or biological weapons attack.Rubio, at the committee hearing, noted that Russian disinformation outlets were already raising the spectre of a Ukrainian-directed biological weapons attack.

"If there's a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that it would be the Russians that would be behind it?" he asked.

"There is no doubt in my mind, senator,"Nulandreplied. "And it is a classic Russian technique to blame the other guy for what they're planning to do themselves."

'It's a joke'

The conspiracy theory had gotten so well-established that Ukrainian PresidentVolodymyrZelenskyhimself addressed it, inan interview with independent Russian journalistsat the end of March.

"It's a joke," he said in Russian. "There's nothing for me to explain. There's nothing here. We'd love to, but there's nothing here. No nuclear weapons, no chemical biolaboratories, no chemical weapons. These don't exist."

Zelensky, centre, walks in the town of Bucha, just northwest of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on April 4, 2022. (Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images)

There is also no clear indication that Russia intends to use any kind of non-conventional weapons in Ukraine. Moore says the real utility of this biolabs conspiracy is in the information war.

"This is purely for the consumption of the masses," he said. "This is purely to flood the zone."

But weakening Western resolve has a real strategic benefit for Moscow.

Marko Suprun, the host and producer with anti-disinformation agency StopFake, saidMoscow hopes todestroy the "congressional unity" that informs the U.S.response to the war. If even a few politicians take to thebiolabsconspiracy theory, he said, "you suddenly slow everything down, and instead of getting more Javelins [anti-tank missiles], you get less Javelins."

"They call it a war of attrition,"Markosaid. "Disinformation is targeted politics of attrition."

WATCH |How the dangerous Ukrainian "biolabs"myth went mainstream, from CBC's The National:

How a QAnon conspiracy theory about Ukraine biolabs went mainstream

2 years ago
Duration 9:04
Investigative reporter Justin Ling exposes how a QAnon conspiracy theory about U.S.-funded 'biolabs' in Ukraine morphed into mainstream disinformation, and what that could suggest about Russia's own dangerous ambitions.


  • An earlier version of this story said that anthrax, like smallpox, can be spread through person-to-person contact. In fact, anthrax can be transmitted organically when spores get into the body.
    Apr 10, 2022 11:48 AM ET