Editor's Blog - How we work, how we make decisions, how we serve Canadians.

Editor in Chief

INFOGRAPHIC: CBC News lives here.

Categories:Canada, World

Map May 2003-large.jpg

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We made the assumption yesterday that everyone knows about the width and breath and scope of CBC News's geographic footprint. 

Population patterns in Canada are constantly evolving. Some communities are growing, others shrinking. And big stories erupt in all parts of the world and we can't realistically have full time resources in each and every country.

We need - and are - constantly finding innovative ways to reflect Canadians where they live and bring them stories from other parts of the country and world that have an impact on their lives.

The traditional way has always been to have bricks and mortar bureaus and stations that produce an array of content, from full programs to individual stories. New ways of producing and delivering content has helped us be more efficient and effective at serving more Canadians and expanding the number of locations we have.

The attached map breaks down the different levels of service we provide in each station and bureau.

When we say "station" or "bureau", it can refer to our biggest centre, Toronto, with hundreds of journalists, technicians and support staff who produce television, radio and online programming including The National, World Report, the fifth estate, CBCNews.ca and the CBC News Network.

It can mean major regional centres like Vancouver, Yellowknife, Winnipeg, Montreal or St. John's which produce local TV and radio news, regional radio programs and news websites. They also ensure that their stories are seen, heard and read nationally on our network platforms.

Or it could mean our newly opened stations in Kelowna, BC, or Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, whose complement of about a dozen staff produce a morning radio show, five days a week, along with a local website.

Or much smaller one-to-three person bureaus in Hay River, NWT, Kuujjuaq, QC or Glagow, NS, which focus on newsgathering in their communities. While they don't produce shows or websites, we ensure that their stories are also featured on our other outlets.

And thanks to evolving technologies, we have been able to open a station in Hamilton, ON, which services its community digitally. I invite you to check out their award-winning site no matter where you may live.

Internationally, we maintain permanent bureaus in the U.S., London, Jerusalem and Beijing. As well, we are able to react to major stories and open temporary "pocket bureaus" where a journalist can quickly and economically set up shop as events warrant. And through close collaboration with our colleagues at Radio-Canada and freelancers around the world, we are able to provide wider and deeper coverage.

Take a look at our map for a snapshot of our coast-to-coast-to-coast bureaus.

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