Editor's Blog - How we work, how we make decisions, how we serve Canadians.

Editor in Chief

CBC and the Aboriginal Community

Categories:Canada, Community, Politics


In our ongoing commitment to all of our communities across Canada, we have now launched a new Aboriginal Digital Unit.  This small team is re-inventing the way we cover issues relating to the Aboriginal community on our website.  The new and improved cbc.ca/aboriginal page went live this morning.

The page will complement CBC's other news coverage with a goal to better engage and reflect the vibrant Aboriginal audience that is incredibly active online. We will include a mix of CBC News and current affairs stories, original stories produced by CBC staff, opinion pieces and more.  It will allow the Aboriginal community to contribute through user-generated content and social media, and stay tuned into news. Our goal is to reflect the diversity and richness in our communities and to be a meeting place for conversation.  I hope you will take a look at this new unit and contribute to its growth.

The timing for this initiative is no accident. We are approaching the one-year anniversary of the Idle no More movement.  The events of the past year drove home the need for the public broadcaster to cover First Nation issues more thoroughly and to create conversation in which all Canadians can participate.

Fiona Conway,
Executive Director of Programming
CBC News and Centres

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