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Editor in Chief

Some news about our Chief Correspondent Peter Mansbridge

Categories:Arts & Entertainment, Canada, Community, Journalism, Politics

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The following is a note sent by Jennifer McGuire to CBC News staff.

For over three decades Peter Mansbridge has been synonymouswith news in Canada. Last night on The National Peter announced that he wouldbe stepping down from the position that made him that. Since being named in1987 he has been CBC's Chief Correspondent in every sense of these words. He'sa reporter first and foremost, dedicated to getting the story and getting itright.

Great journalists earn our trust in the moments of ourgreatest need.

Over and over again, Peter has been the steady referencepoint in times of crisis. He's been the face of CBC News through triumph andachievement, tragedy and national loss. He has covered every federal electionsince 1972 and anchored all ten since 1984. He has covered constitutionalcrises and hosted the opening of eight Olympic games. Peter was at the fall ofthe Berlin Wall and on the ground as Canadians fought and died in Afghanistan.

Peter has always championed Canada and CBC News. As he hassaid many times, it has always been about our country. He has defended thenational in The National, and been a staunch believer that the flagship newsprogramme is about us ... OUR stories, not to the exclusion of world news, butalways from a Canadian perspective. Peter has been paramount to making CBC Newsthe most trusted brand in news in this country. We can't thank him enough forthat.

What the viewers don't see, though, is what Peter means tothose of us who have had a chance to work with him. His door is always open toanyone looking for advice. He is a valued mentor to some of our brightestjournalists and a fierce promoter of young talent.

It was black and white, film, teletype and typewriters whenPeter started. A lot has changed since then. What has not changed is that Peteris passionate about Canada and about public service journalism. He cares aboutwhere we are and where we are headed as a news service.

Peter will continue to be at the helm of The National untilJuly 1. We will find the right opportunities to thank and honour him over thenext year. Beyond that Peter will continue to have a role with CBC. We willhave more to say about that in the future.

I also want to announce today that during the course of thenext year we will launch the development of the next phase of The National. Iwill personally lead a process to build on its strengths and position it for ongoingsuccess.

The news industry is undergoing fundamental changes but thebedrock values of quality, integrity and depth that Peter stands for willalways be with us. Thank you Peter Mansbridge from your colleagues at CBC Newsand Centres.

Jennifer McGuire
General Manager and Editor in Chief
CBC News and Centres


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