Oranges in a mesh re-usable bag.


10 Easy Eco Switches To Help Save the Earth


Apr 18, 2017

Adopting eco-friendly practices needn’t be saved for Earth Day. What our lovely planet really needs is sustained, conscious lifestyle habits that support environmental awareness, not those that lead to oceans full of plastic, the suffering of wildlife or irreversible climate change, to name just a few.

The fact is, there are some easy switches we can all make to help safeguard the earth. It really IS easy being green.

Go Nuts for Soap Nuts

Organic Laundry Detergent

Soap nuts are a great addition to the laundry room and can be used to clean a whole host of other things, as well. They have numerous benefits, including the fact that they are all natural, compost easily when finished (about five laundry loads for five soap nuts), and are packaged minimally in biodegradable cardboard. Not to mention what they replace — manufactured laundry detergent in large plastic jugs that may or may not make it into the recycling stream. Added bonus: they’re great for sensitive skin and it’s much easier to lug home a small cardboard box than a heavy and unwieldy laundry detergent jug.

Pass on Palm Oil

Palm oil has increased in popularity as a healthier alternative to trans fat and is now found in numerous packaged snacks and treats. The problem is that traditional palm harvesting practices involve clear-cutting palm forests, leading to the displacement and endangerment of many jungle species, including orangutans. Check the label before you buy and pass on any products that contain palm oil, unless you can confirm that is has been harvested using sustainable practices. 

Reach for a Reusable Straw

Paper straws are definitely an improvement to plastic ones, but they have their downsides. Keep the integrity of your straw without reaching for plastic with this easy switch to stainless steel or glass. Most come complete with a cleaning brush and are easy to pop into the dishwasher. 

Look into Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Support a local grower by joining a CSA. It’s great to get to know the people that grow the food and makes it possible for farmers to stay profitable. Another added bonus is knowing more about the farming practices used to grow food and choosing to support those that are ethical. There’s also a greater likelihood that the kids will try new foods after hearing the story behind them. Plus, less packaging = win, win.

Try Mesh Bags and Beeswax Wraps in the Kitchen

Oranges in a mesh bag.

Continue to get rid of plastic from the kitchen by eliminating plastic produce bags and plastic wrap. Stash a few easy-to-pack mesh produce bags in your purse and you’ll never have to reach for a plastic veggie bag at the store again. Likewise, no need for plastic wrap or Ziplock bags when there’s the option to use beeswax wraps. Cover plates of leftovers or wrap cheese in these amazingly pliable wraps that keep food fresh and tasty.

Keep Microfibres Out of the Water

Synthetic fibres — including those from polyester, lycra, nylon and spandex — have been found in alarming amounts in water systems, where they are consumed by aquatic life and even passed on to humans through our consumption of fish and seafood. The fibres, known as “micro waste,” get there from humans washing the many, many clothes we wear that contain these synthetic fibres. There are options though: try washing such items in a mesh bag (one out there is called the Guppy Friend). Or choose natural cotton, hemp or linen whenever possible.

Meatless Mondays and Dairy-Free Days

Meat and dairy farming have serious environmental effects, to say nothing of the ethical concerns. Going meatless on a Monday (and maybe another day of the week) can be a great way to explore new vegetarian meal ideas — think black bean quesadillas, veggie burgers and delicious stir fries, all of which seem to be big hits with the small fries. Even a small change can have a positive effect on the environment and can lead to the discovery of new foods, as well.

Use Your Muscles Instead of Motors

Cars, power boats, ATVs — often a necessity, and usually tons of fun. But the impact of motors on our environment is undeniably negative. In addition to Walking Wednesdays, can the family find other ways to pass on the motor? Maybe a mountain bike outing instead of driving to the mall? Trying canoes, kayaks or paddleboards instead of motor boats? Use your muscles, not motors, and watch as health — and the environment — enjoy the change.

Use Mason Jars for Storage

It’s great the schools are embracing litterless lunches, but some of the plastic reusable containers are not the best from an environmental or health standpoint. But with the high cost of many of the reusable stainless steel containers, they are often the only option. An alternative is a Mason jar — we love these small ones to house snacks, treats, cut fruit and more in a lunch. 

Opt for Bamboo Toothbrushes

Similar to the straw scenario, the number of plastic toothbrushes in landfills is staggering — and they’re simply not going anywhere. Lest you wish to wake up one morning with a view of Mount Toothbrush, consider switching to a bamboo toothbrush. The handle is 100 per cent compostable and bamboo can be grown in a very sustainable manner. Break off the head with the nylon bristles and recycle that bit. It’s a small change that really makes a difference.

Embrace Bar Soap

Sure, the kids love bubbles in their bath and we’ve grown accustomed to shower gel. But think of how quickly a family goes through one of those plastic bottles, and the energy required to recycle it and make it into something new. Consider switching back to bar soap — there are so many options that don’t test on animals, have minimal, biodegradable packaging and smell delicious as well. They’re also cheaper and you can learn to make your own or support a local artisan.

Small changes can add up to help save this gorgeous planet from mountains of trash, plastic and climate changes. It takes adopting a more mindful, conscious frame of mind, but that’s good for the Earth and our own awareness. Try one or try them all!

Article Author Janice Quirt
Janice Quirt

Read more from Janice here.

Janice Quirt is a writer who moved from the big city to Orangeville in 2014 and never looked back, claiming a need to take the scenic route through life. Her blended family includes five kids, a wildly overgrown garden and a whole lot of coffee. Janice cherishes creative writing as a treat, right up there with overstuffed tacos, '80s mixed tapes and walks on beaches scattered with dunes.