A mother telling her daughter not to grab candy from the dispenser in the store


8 Classic Mom Sayings That Make Sense Now That Youre A Parent

By Laura Mullin

May 10, 2017

This is for the mothers out there. When did you actually feel like a mom? Was it when you peed on that stick and watched two lines magically appear? Or was it the first time you laid eyes on your child and realized, gulp, you can’t send it back?

For me, it was the first time the words "because I said so” flew out of my mouth. I turned around to see if it was my mother talking, but no. It was all me. In that moment, the earth no doubt shook, as I understood why mothers from the beginning of time have copped some classic mom lingo to get the job done.

Here are eight lines that probably feel painfully familiar (or will, soon enough):

"Wear A Sweater" 

Clearly you don’t have enough sense to know it's only seven degrees out. I will continue to tell you this for the rest of my life. My 95-year-old grandmother still calls my mother to tell her to wear a warm coat.

"One Day You’ll Thank Me"

And, oh, what a sweet day that will be! When you finally acknowledge me for making you eat spinach, take a nap, blow your nose, brush your teeth, eat with a fork, take a bath and do your homework — it will be so worth it!

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"I’m Going To Count To Three..."

This is the modernized version of “You’re going to get it!” No one knew what “it” was, and nobody knows what comes after three. The mystery is what makes it so effective.

"I’m Not Going To Repeat Myself"

And when I say this, what I mean is I’m going to repeat myself over and over again in the misguided notion that it will actually make you listen.

"Wear Clean Underwear"

Who knew this would have to be explained? On a daily basis. For years.

"Just Try One Bite"

How can you possibly know you don’t like kale, eggs, cheese or fish if you don’t actually ever just... try... one... bite?

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"You’ll Understand When You Have Kids"

And if I’m still here, I’m going to laugh and laugh.

"I Said No"

What else do you need to know? Apparently lots. Like: Why not? Can I later? When can I? Can I ask Dad? Will you change your mind? When will you change your mind? How come my friends can? Is that a maybe?

If these phrases sound eerily familiar, pat yourself on the back and know you’ve joined the club of generations of moms who have been doing their best to raise their kids. And while hearing yourself sound just like your mother might surprise you, now that you're a mom you realize she really did know best. And that's something to be celebrated and cherished.

Why? Because I said so!

Article Author Laura Mullin
Laura Mullin

Read more from Laura here.

Laura Mullin is a published playwright and writer and the co-artistic director of the award-winning company, Expect Theatre. She is also the co-host and producer of PlayME, a podcast that transforms plays into audio dramas now on CBC. She has worked in theatre, film, and television and lives in Toronto with her writer/producer husband and daughter. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @expectlaura.