
Family Health

Grab Some Towels For This Quick Workout That Also Cleans Your Floors

By Lucy D'Aguilar, Fit & Eats

Apr 20, 2018

Are you always complaining that you have too much to do? I know I am! The to-do list is never ending and your energy levels have a limited expiry time. If only there was a magic potion that would get everything done for you in the blink of an eye — wishful thinking, I know!

If you have carpet, you can use some old paper plates that you have sitting around in a cupboard from the last birthday party you threw.

Being a parent can create some battles between deciding what to do with your time. Do you take the time to workout, do the dishes, clean the floor or do the laundry? Let me help you out a little: this workout targets two tasks at the same time! You can clean or polish the floor at the SAME time as working your booty. OK, well kind of. You can clean the part of the floor you are standing on, so just change locations as you change exercises and you can cover a decent amount of floor!

If you have a slippery floor, you can use a towel of any shape or size. I chose microfiber cloths to give my floor a polish as I go. And don’t worry if you don’t have a wood or laminate floor — there is an option for carpets, but no cleaning will be done at the same time. If you have carpet, you can use some old paper plates that you have sitting around in a cupboard from the last birthday party you threw. Gotta love upcycling, right?

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This can be done in 20 minutes because who has time for long workouts these days? I know I don’t! For each exercise, complete 20 repetitions (if there is more than one side to the exercise, complete 20 repetitions each side) and rest for 30-60 seconds between exercises. Work through each exercise then rest for one to two minutes before repeating the exercises again. You can complete three rounds in total. If you have more time, keep going!

As always, please check with a health care provider before starting anything new. This is NOT a beginner workout and you should be cautious before trying them out. I am pregnant, but I would NOT recommend doing these if you are also pregnant.

  1. Tabletop arm extension: If you want more of a challenge, this can also be done in a plank or modified plank position.
  2. Sliding side lunge: Make sure your hips, knee and ankle stay in line for the supporting foot. Only go out as far as you feel comfortable while being able to return to the starting position.
  3. Crab slide out (feet): Hands should be directly under your shoulders. Lift your hips so the glutes are working to support you in the crab position. Slide one foot out at a time.
  4. Plank slide out: Only attempt this if you can hold a plank for 60 seconds. Focus on engaging your core (exhale) as you tuck your knees to your chest. If you cannot manage both legs at the same time, alternate one leg at a time.
  5. Reverse lunge slide: Keep your weight over the front leg as you slide one foot back. Only go to a range of motion that feels comfortable to you.

Happy workout, parents!

Article Author Lucy D’Aguilar
Lucy D’Aguilar

Read more from Lucy here.

Lucy is the owner of an in-home and online personal training service specializing in postpartum fitness and core rehabilitation. She's a stay-at-home mama to an inquisitive little lady and an overly protective puppy which makes life very interesting. When she's not breaking up battles of whit between the two kiddies (puppy included) she's usually enjoying a cup of coffee that has been heated up about ten times. She is the self-proclaimed DIY master of her house, and loves to take on projects and gives herself a high five when she finishes it. You can find out more about her business at You can also follow her on Instagram and Facebook.