Young girl with glasses looks away from the camera while holding a sketch pad.

Family Health

I Want To Share 10 Positive Traits That Some People With Autism Have


Photo © catreena/Twenty20

May 9, 2019

When you read or search about autism online, one thing you'll likely notice is that a lot of the information uses negative language. Words like "inflexible," "rigid," "lack of," "impairments in," "delayed," or "significant difficulties" are commonly found alongside definitions of autism.

Recommended Reading: 8 Things I Want Parents Of Newly Diagnosed Autistic Kids To Know

It's no wonder so many people view autism negatively when the bulk of the information paints this picture to the world. And it's not surprising that many people still believe these common autism myths.

But neurodiversity like autism is a good thing.

And being autistic certainly has its positive sides, too. So I want to share some of the positive characteristics that autistic people have.

Now, obviously I am aware that autism is a spectrum and not every autistic person will have the following attributes or skills, but these attributes are pretty common in autism. But like I mentioned, every autistic person is unique so please keep that in mind.

Here are some of the positive traits of autism:

1. Autistic people are extremely passionate about what interests them.

An attribute that translates to hyperfocusing and obsessively researching those interests until they have a deep understanding of the subject matter. They also have a wide variety of interests.

2. They are straightforward, direct and honest.

They mean what they say and aren't afraid to tell you what they truly think.

3. Autistic people perceive the world differently and process information in unique ways.

As a result, they are independent and creative thinkers.

Be Sure To Read: 8 Things You Should Never Assume About Autism

4. They are detail-oriented and they pay attention to the finer details that others often miss.

For example, my autistic son recently pointed out that all four seasons are six letters long: winter, spring, summer and autumn. Yeah, you didn't notice that until just now, right?

5. They love routines and will happily maintain those routines with great success.

6. People with autism have a great memory and an amazing ability to recall facts.

7. Autistic people also tend to be visual thinkers.

As a result, they can visualize solutions to problems, as well as other things, better than most people can.

8. They follow their own unique set of social rules, which means they often don't bully people, judge others or get easily swayed by peer pressure.

They don't feel the pressure to fit in like most people do. I bet most people wished they had these attributes!

Also Check Out: 19 Questions To Ask To Help Decide Which Therapies Are Right For Your Autistic Child

9. Autistic people are smart.

Many have above-average intelligence. Yes, even preverbal or non-verbal autistic people! This is where I insert my reminder about always presuming competence...

10. Autistic people aren't afraid to be themselves.

They're unique and quirky, and don't get bothered by what other people think of them. They just continue to be the unique individual they are by embracing and sharing their passions with the world.

Article Author Dyan Robson
Dyan Robson

Read more from Dyan here.

Married to her high school sweetheart, Dyan is mom to two boys, J and K, who also teaches piano out of her home. On her blog And Next Comes L, Dyan shares her story of raising a child with hyperlexia, hypernumeracy and autism, amongst a variety of sensory activities for kids. You can find out more about their story on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram and Google+.