

Are Parents Really Making These Trendy Isolation Foods? An Isolation Debate

By Kevin Naulls, CBC Parents Staff 

Photo © thenaughtyfork/Instagram

May 6, 2020

We’re on week eight or 200, it doesn’t really matter anymore.

We’ve been inside for a long time.

For those who can, this means a lot of inspirational research is happening in places like Bon Appetit, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook groups and podcasts.

Truly, inspiration abounds — like I’m sure cruising the Canadian Tire website these days is “inspiring.”

Here's an essay on pandemic privilege that doesn't condemn your lifestyle — read it here.

And all those cute art projects in people’s windows surely inspire me to smile. And don’t even get me started on the chalk message I cried at on my solo walk this weekend — it simply read “you are loved” in a childlike scrawl. 

But in looking for creative solutions to this very modern predicament, some really time-consuming trends have emerged.

I’d hazard a guess to say maybe one in a million parents are actually doing these things, but from what I’m reading, they are all great big trends.

So, let’s talk about them.

Pancake Cereal

Have you heard of pancake cereal? Here’s the long and the short (stack) of it. You take some kind of batter vessel and you create about 30 or more very tiny pancakes from your run-of-the-mill pancake mix.

Then, as if the process of making so many tiny pancakes and flipping them weren’t enough, you then take those tiny flapjacks and baste them in melted butter.

Watching this video, I can’t think of anything but how terrible mine would turn out. They would no doubt not separate from the pan in such a tidy manner, and “basting” in melted butter would — for me, I’m sure of it — result in one pancake getting completely saturated in all the butter.


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By the end, it would be a lot of cooked pancake stuck to a bunch of different cooking surfaces.

Oh, and there’s no milk. Just a pat of butter and a lot of maple syrup. So, is it cereal? It depends on who you ask.

I mean, I'm not personally that concerned about it being called cereal. Why? Because I eat dry cereal all the time. Bit of a cereal boy. I love stale Honeycomb cereal without milk, and I can't explain why. If you know, you know.

What I am concerned about is the time it takes to meticulously place evenly cooked, perfectly round tiny pancakes in a bowl to resemble cereal. Even with “so much time,” it feels a bit extra. But you do you, Karen!

Also, honey, that’s a lot of butter for me. And I'm a little piggy.

Will parents make this? I'd guess a handful of parents, tops. 

Dalgona Coffee

This is called a lot of things from Greek frappé to TikTok and Dalgona coffee.

Basically, you take instant coffee, granulated sugar and water, and then froth the mixture until it forms stiff peaks — like a meringue. Then you add it to your milk or dairy-free milk of choice over ice (or no ice, which sounds wild to me).

If you don’t have a frother, you can just use a fork, spoon or whisk. However, manually, this can take up to 30 minutes.

For one whipped coffee.

It looks really tasty actually, but I can’t think of a parent, who has a day of work ahead of them, getting up early to whisk up a single, airy whipped coffee.

But prove me wrong in the comments. 

Will parents make this? I have asked around and know some parents who already have. Honestly, it feels like a lot of work for coffee! I imagine many parents will make this once, "for the 'gram."

Frying Pan Pizza

Pizza is always good. I don’t think I’ve ever sat down to pizza and thought, “man, I wish this were ham.”

So, when I saw rumblings of this “frying pan pizza” I was excited for the following reasons:

I have a frying pan. And I love pizza.

However, the name of this is a bit of a misnomer because you do in fact have to use your oven.

You take pizza dough and roll it out. When your frying pan is screaming hot with oil, then you lay the crust flat and brown for one to two minutes.

While it’s browning, you add your sauce and cheese and herbs.

Then you pop the pan in the oven under the heating element for one to two minutes (or until you’re happy with the browning of the top crust).

It should look something like this.

Will parents make this? Yes. This seems like the easiest thing to make if you've got all the ingredients. But also, the dough in the original delivery box that kickstarted this frying pan pizza trend is made with doppio zero — double zero — flour which not everyone has. So, I'm changing my definitive yes to maybe. 

These food trends feel like the tip of the iceberg. And as time goes on, more of these great big trends are going to rise to the surface! Your kids are probably going to see them, too. They may even want a big ol’ bowl of pancakes, extra syrup. Because honestly, who wouldn’t — it looks really tasty.

You obviously don’t need to make them, but you might think: That would be a nice treat. I’ll give it a shot. For the kids. (And secretly, or not-so-secretly: you.)

But if you fail (or give up because that’s a lot of tiny pancakes), then that’s OK, too. I’m sure a mushy bowl of cooked pancake smothered in syrup tastes just as delicious.

Is there a food trend your family's tried that's a hit and you want other parents to know? Something you think we should cover at CBC Parents? Send us an email at!