

24 Ways Every Child Should Play Before Age 12

Originally published on ParticpACTION
Brought to you by The Moblees

Feb 23, 2016

We've got the ultimate play bucket list! These unstructured play ideas are things that every child should experience before they reach their teens. What are we missing?

1. Experience total weightlessness at the top of a swing

2. Skip stones across water

3. Play leap frog

4. Hang upside down from a tree limb

5. Jump into water cold enough that it almost takes their breath away

6. Throw rocks or snowballs at a post from a distance until they get a bulls eye

7. Ride a bike with no hands

8. Paddle a canoe

9. Piggyback someone

10. Roll down a big hill

11. Try a sport that requires a helmet

12. Collect something in a forest

13. Make up a dance routine

14. Slide down something on a piece of cardboard

15. Build a fort

16. Hike somewhere for a picnic

17. Bury someone they love in the sand

18. Play outside in the rain

19. Jump in a pile of leaves

20. Make a snow angel

21. Fly a kite

22. Create an obstacle course

23. Swim in a lake or an ocean

24. Make up a game involving a ball

What would you add to this list? Share your ideas below.

This post was originally published in February 2015. 

Article Author Moblees and ParticipACTION
Moblees and ParticipACTION

The Moblees is a multi-platform "Movement Movement" designed to promote healthy active living among Canadian children. Along with partner organization ParticipACTION, The Moblees aims to provide early intervention strategies to reduce childhood obesity and to inspire a foundational change in the way children and their families move through their daily lives.