

Coffee Filter Daffodils: Easy Spring Craft

By Jackie Currie

May 6, 2016

When you think of spring, what comes to mind? I think of blue skies and butterflies, rain showers and spring flowers. And among those spring flowers is one of my favourites: the daffodil.

Daffodils just make me happy! Their frilly petals and sunny, yellow faces are such a welcome sight after a cold and dreary winter. They symbolize the beginning of a new season, and they fill me with anticipation for the warm and colourful season ahead.

Today we’re making some cheerful coffee filter daffodils to celebrate the arrival of spring. They’re easy to make, and they take just a few basic supplies. And they look just as bright and cheerful as the daffodils that will soon be blooming in our very own garden.

You'll Need:

Needed supplies: craft paint, white frilly coffee filters, yellow cupcake liners, yellow pom-poms, green straws, paintbrushes.

  • coffee filters
  • cupcake liners
  • orange pompoms
  • green drinking straws
  • glue
  • tape
  • yellow paint
  • orange paint
  • paintbrushes

Begin by painting your coffee filter yellow. This will be the outside petals of the daffodil. When you paint your coffee filter, it will flatten out, and lose its frilly edge. It’s OK though—we’ll be putting a little frill back into the coffee filter once it’s painted.

A coffee filter in process of being painted yellow.

We only painted one side of our coffee filters, but you can flip yours, and paint both sides if you want.

Next, you’ll paint your cupcake liner. This will be the darker, inner petals of the daffodil, known as the “trumpet”, “cup” or “corona”.  

A cupcake liner being painted with orange craft paint.

Like the coffee filter, the cupcake liner will flatten out as you paint it. You can paint both sides of this one too.

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Allow your pieces to dry, and then we’ll layer up our daffodil. 

Before putting the layers of the flower together, you’ll need to mold your flat pieces into a cup shape.

We did this by placing a bottle of paint in the centre of each piece and then gently squeezing and twisting the coffee filter or cupcake liner around the paint bottle.

Bottles of craft paint in the centre of the layered daffodils.

Put a dab of glue inside the centre of the coffee filter, and press a cupcake liner into it.
Then put a dab of glue in the centre of the cupcake liner, and press a pompom into it. When the glue has dried, tape a green straw to the back of your flower, and enjoy your cheerful little daffodil!

Yellow pompoms glued to the centre of the paper daffodils.

Happy Spring!


Article Author Jackie Currie
Jackie Currie

Read more from Jackie here.

Jackie Currie is a mother, daycare provider, and the creative spirit behind the blog Happy Hooligans. A self-proclaimed glitterphobe, she specializes in easy, affordable arts & crafts and good, old-fashioned play.