

DIY Terrariums for Kids

By Jill Dubien, Meet the Dubiens

Apr 20, 2015

Spring is here and many people are anxious to get started on their gardens—both inside and outside. I love filling the inside of my home with greenery. Kids can learn how to care for living plants by making their own terrariums, plus they can use their own toys and decorations to give each terrarium an extra special touch! 

What You’ll Need

  • Glass bowl
  • Potting soil
  • Small rocks
  • An assortment of small indoor plants
  • An assortment of decorations and toys—we used toadstool mushrooms, plastic dinosaurs, moss, grassy rocks and craft birds. Other favourites include larger rocks, coloured sand, mini garden gnomes and fairies, other plastic animals, etc. Let your kid pick out whatever he or she wants to give the terrarium an extra special touch.

A collection of small objects, including plastic mushrooms, toy dinosaurs, moss and grassy rocks.

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How To Make It

1. Fill the bottom of your glass bowl with small pebbles—about 2–3 inches high. This allows for proper drainage.

A small glass bowl filled with pebbles.

2. Fill the glass bowl with potting soil about ¾ of the way up.

3. Pick an assortment of small indoor plants and plant 2–3 plants in each terrarium. Leave a small space at the front of the bowl empty so that your child can fill it with special decorations of their choice.

A small glass bowl filled with potting soil and plants.

4. Let your child fill their terrarium with special objects of their choice.

A terrarium with plants, a grassy rock, a toy dinosaur and plastic mushrooms.

A small terrarium with two small toy birds and plastic mushrooms.

5. Place your terrarium in a sunny indoor spot and water when soil becomes dry. Do not over water or saturate the soil with water.

Making a terrarium with your kids is a great way to teach them some responsibility about how to care for living plants and also gives them the creative freedom to make it just how they want.  Have fun!

Article Author Jill Dubien
Jill Dubien

Read more from Jill here.

Jill Dubien is a working mom who loves to craft and cook with her kiddos in her spare time. She has an awesome and supportive husband and two wonderful kids—a six-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. Before she had kids, Jill couldn’t cook much of anything except toast and cereal, and really despised being in the kitchen. People who know her personally find it extremely humorous that she is now the self-proclaimed “Queen of fun food.” Jill blogs at Meet the Dubiens, where she shares lots of fun foods and crafts for kids.