

Give Thanks With These Printable Thankful Placemats


Oct 5, 2016

Thanksgiving weekend is quickly approaching, which means family, friends, delicious food and hopefully some relaxation too. One of the things I love doing when hosting Thanksgiving is preparing a few fun things for the kiddos to enjoy before the meal is ready. There’s almost always a craft of some sort, a fall-themed play dough station to enjoy, and something fun to do at the table just before dinner is served. This year’s no different: our table is going to be set with placemats that will allow our little guests to reflect on what they’re thankful for while getting creative!

Here’s what you’ll need to do the same at your Thanksgiving celebration:

a picture of the printable version of the mat

Set up could not be easier. Simply place the printable placemats around the table with mini jars of crayons and thin black markers accompanying them.

a photo of a table setting with printable colouring mats and crayons laid out for colouring

When it’s nearly time for turkey dinner, invite your little guests to find a spot and add their names and the year to the middle of their ‘I’m thankful for…’ placemats. Then, using words, drawings, or a combination of both, they can add something they’re thankful for to each of the leaves. You never know, your adult guests just may want to get in on the fun too!

a photo of a kid colouring a placemat

By the time your guests are finished designing and colouring their beautiful placemats, dinner will most likely be ready — win! And while these can certainly be used as is for regular placemat purposes, they make great keepsakes too! Just sneak them off the table before gravy is dripped on them or quickly cover them with clear contact paper or a laminating pouch before dinner is served.

a photo of a child holding up their final colouring art work

Happy Thanksgiving!

Article Author Jen Kossowan
Jen Kossowan

See all of Jen's posts.

Jen is a teacher, blogger, and mama to a spirited little lady and a preemie baby boy. She's passionate about play, loves a good DIY project, adores travelling, and can often be found in the kitchen creating recipes that meet her crunchy mama criteria. You can follow Jen on her blog, Mama.Papa.Bubba, and on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.