a passover seder plate made of lego is shown in two stages: in process and complete


How to Make a Lego Seder Plate for Passover

By Yasmine Abbasakoor

Mar 29, 2018

The secret to a DIY Lego build is to be flexible. I’m going to give you the guidelines to build your own Lego Seder plate with your kiddos (they can probably do it themselves if they’re into Lego), but you should work with what you’ve got.

I’ve attempted a colour scheme cause I’m fancy and on a website, but don’t feel that pressure!

When you’re done you’ll be able to use this on your own Seder table — and don’t worry about shank bone juice on the Lego, you can throw the pieces in the dishwasher in a mesh bag.

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Please note this is an original design, inspired by other builds found on the web.

The basics of this build are to make six circles. Easy peasy. I built my circles on a blue base plate but, again, use what you’ve got!

What you'll need for each circle:

  • 4 2x4 bricks (if you’re new to DIY lego builds, remember you can put together other pieces to get a 2x4 if you haven’t got enough — math is fun!)
  • 4 1x2 bricks
  • 4 1x1 bricks

Once you’ve got your bricks out of the gigantic brick bin sitting in your family room (remember, you're going to need six circles in total), drink your first glass of wine.

Arrange your first circle on the bottom centre of your baseplate. Drink your second glass of wine.

Now would be a good time to have a kid or two jump in. Have them make five more circles directly on the base plate.

And if you’ve got the tiles for it, the kids can smooth the whole thing out as well.

You can finish the third glass of wine while they are working on the circles.

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Now it’s time for the real mitzvah – make your Seder plate fancy! I wrote pesach in Hebrew in the centre of our plate. I used orange Lego for this to symbolize the orange some Jewish people put on their plate. The orange represents solidarity with those who are marginalized in the Jewish community, specifically women and members of the LGBTQ community.

Finally – make your Seder and finish your fourth glass of wine! (Wine is, of course, totally optional!)

Chag Sameach!

Article Author Yasmine Abbasakoor
Yasmine Abbasakoor

Read more from Yasmine here.

Yasmine Abbasakoor was a television development executive before leaving to pursue her dream job of being a stay-at-home mum. After five years of living it up in the sandbox and laundry room, she’s ready to share her myriad of musings with the world once again. Connect with Yasmine in her kitchen (she’s the one standing behind the island) or on Linkedin.