

Printable Map of Canada Puzzle

By Megan McChesney and Ben Shannon, Kids' CBC Staff

Feb 15, 2015

Learning the provinces and where they fit within Canada's geography is something every child learns eventually. Help them along with this fantastic printable map puzzle. We won't lie, cutting it all out nicely will take a bit of elbow grease on the parent/care giver/teacher's part, but what you'll wind up with is a great game and tool that costs little to put together and can be pulled out and played with again and again.

What you Need:

How you Make It:

1. Print out our Canada Map Printable Puzzle (it's 4 pages). 

There's also a version of the Canada Map Printable Puzzle without province and territory names (it's 4 pages too)

2. Using scissors, cut out each province and each capital city.

3. Glue everything to cardboard (we used a glue stick). 

4. With your craft knife, carefully cut each province and capital city out of cardboard.

5. Mount each capital city onto a push-pin (you can use tape or poster tack to keep it in place).

That's it! Your map is ready for play.

Younger kids can assemble the puzzle as you read the names of each province together.

Older kids will have fun figuring out where each provincial capital should go (an atlas for reference may be handy). And for a real challenge, mix up the provincial captials and see how long it takes kids to place them in their proper spots (use a timer!).

And those with very keen observation skills will have fun looking up the provincial flags and matching the patterns on the flags with the faint patterns on each province.

Have more ideas on how to use this printable Canada Map Puzzle? Share them in the comments! 

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