

Printable Napkin Man Emotion Flash Cards

By Megan McChesney and Trev Murphy, Kids' CBC Staff

Oct 30, 2014

Learning how to identify emotions is an important part of preschooler development. As they learn to identify their own emotions, they can begin to understand how to manage them. And when they learn to identify emotions in others, they develop empathy.

These printable Napkin Man emotion flash cards can be used in all kinds of ways. Simply print them out (click to open the PDF) and trim the three sheets below. If you have access to a laminating machine, they're even better when they're laminated. 

You're sure to find a way to use these that work best for you and your family, but here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Use these cards to help develop vocabulary around emotions.
  • When you see your child struggling with a negative emotion, use these cards as prompts to help kids identify how they're feeling. Encourage kids to think about what might make them feel better (ie: deep breaths, quiet time, a hug).
  • If your child witnesses a situation where someone else is experiencing a powerful emotion, you can go through the cards and talk about what that person may have been feeling and why.
  • Go through the cards together and ask kids to tell you what they might feel when they experience each of the emotions (ie: sweaty palms, upset stomach). Ask them to think of situations that might cause those feelings.
  • You can even print multiple sets and play memory.
  • See if you can find all of these characters in episodes of The Adventures of Napkin Man! Talk about why each character was feeling the way they were feeling.


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