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Despite COVID-19 there are still ways to celebrate the 65,500 years-strong culture of First Nations people.
The artist that created our logo took inspiration from Australian food and wines culture," CEO Josh Goldman said.
Masks and hand sanitiser were given out at the Sydney event and people kept their distance.
Rio blew up the Juukan Gorge caves in May followed by a none-apology.
Cornel Ozies gives a glimpse at the nature of police work when Indigenous officers work directly with communities.
The fact this Racism is written, proofed and printed is disgusting," rapper Briggs said about the article that appeared in The Sunday Telegraph.
Blackfullas worked for free, for the love of it. Bit of sun, bit of air, bit of a chain around your neck, bit of a stolen wage.
"I have heard many heart-wrenching stories of young people threatened or inappropriately treated by police. Only last week it happened to someone in my own family."