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adam schiff

The House Intelligence Committee chair warns Trump loyalists they will "share the responsibility" for what's to come.
"Late Show" host examines "Adam Schiffs worst nightmare scenario."
The "Late Show" host gives impeachment its own catchy jingle.
Diplomats Bill Taylor and George Kent were the first two witnesses to publicly testify in the House's impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump
The US president retweeted a Twitter account that describes itself as "@realdonaldtrump's butt."
The president's latest attempt at taunting the House speaker didn't exactly go as planned.
The crime is narrowly defined as taking up arms against the United States or giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Not the whistleblower, his sources, or Schiff have done that.
The president's allies fanned out across the Sunday talk shows with myriad responses.
Representative Adam Schiff, the committee's chairman, said he expects the author of the whistleblower complaint to testify "very soon."