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Meet Malakai, the dog who managed to make himself very clear.
"Beau needed me to feed him, exercise him, train him and, above all, love him. My days no longer felt empty, but had purpose."
If you want to know how its going I just filled the cats food bowl with ground coffee and then started to put cat food in the coffee filter.
The 'Morning Show' actor's French bulldog died of cancer.
"Me: *is allergic to cats* Also me: *rubs face with cat* *boops cat nose* *sleeps right next to cat*"
This gives "man's best friend" a whole new meaning.
"We're crushed," the former US womens national soccer team goalkeeper said Saturday.
Heather McLean said her family's pug, Winston, had been experiencing mild symptoms in the days leading up to his diagnosis.
"Not being dramatic but I would literally die for big poppa," tweeted one of his thousands of new devotees.