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police officer

The charges were tied to shots fired into neighbouring apartments, but not Breonna Taylors. None of the three police officers involved in the shooting were charged with murder.
So far, police have few clues as to the origins of this misplaced roo.
You took from him his only possession: his dignity as a human being, the judge told John Rabago while sentencing him to four years in prison.
Two police officers were suspended without pay after shoving a peaceful 75-year-old protester, who ended up in the hospital.
"Every single one of us thought he was going to die, either of a heart attack or they would do something to him."
The protest occurred as Australian police faced questions about footage of a white police officer using force with an Aboriginal teenager.
The vision has sparked outrage in the wake of the death of unarmed Black man George Floyd in the United States, who died when a cop knelt on his neck for eight minutes.
Two young Black people were violently arrested in Atlanta as demonstrations sparked by George Floyd's death unfolded nationwide.
Driver of Porsche involved in crash allegedly took photos before leaving the scene.