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south asian

Celebrities like Rihanna, L Fresh The Lion, Greta Thunberg and Lilly Singh are raising awareness about the massive protest in India.
The reality show contestants say they want to broaden the image of Sikhs beyond the "taxi drivers and 7-Eleven workers" caricature.
The actor said she received the "best compliment ever" from her little girl who was watching the inauguration.
"Ive made the conscious choice to avoid going to Australia vs India cricket matches for the last few years."
Melbourne's Amritha Shakti sang India's national anthem at the Boxing Day match after being discovered on Instagram.
There wont be big food fairs or mass prayer sessions, but rather, intimate family gatherings and online observances.
"Girls from my country dont really get to do something like this."
"'Choosing not to wear a wedding band is turning out to be a big mistake,' I thought."
One of the few major comedy news shows from a comedian of colour, 'Patriot Act' delved deep into a range of issues, including topics about South Asian identity.
"Call it insufferable meddling or a deliberate safekeeping of culture through marriage, its still common for biodatas to end up in your inbox when you become 'of age' even in America."