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World Health Organization

The World Health Organisation's Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: "There is hope".
The director of the World Health Organisation urged people to practice the basics of public health" to stop outbreaks of COVID-19.
MargaretHarris said: "We all need to get our heads around is this is a new virus and...this one is behaving differently."
These particles could be inhaled by other people who are in the vicinity, in the room, and this could be called airborne transmission."
Airborne transmission could dramatically shift safety guidelines, requiring more mask usage and better air circulation indoors.
The World Health Organization warned Wednesday that the outbreak was far from over. "We still have a long way to go in this pandemic, the agency's chief said.
Almost one-third of coronavirus pandemic fatalities have been reported in the United States.
World Health Organization epidemiologist Maria Van Kerkhove told reporters on Wednesday that the virus will spread rapidly if lockdown measures are lifted too quickly.
Dr Rick Bright, who was ousted as the top vaccine official, filed a complaint on Tuesday, claiming he was reassigned to a "lesser role" for political reasons.
Secretary of state Mike Pompeo said the Chinese Communist Party was acting "unacceptably".