big data

Practo has completely denied allegations of spying on users, calling them false and misleading Internet rumours, and pointed to its compliance with international standards for medical data privacy, which aren't even required in India.
The shifting future jobscape is a good opportunity for the Indian government to invest in sectors like tourism and handicrafts sectors that are unlikely to be affected by ML even in the long run.
Whatever abstract visions we do have in mind, the truth is that artificial intelligence and machine learning are no longer the future, they are already part of our present, our everyday lived reality.
With an increase in data collected from devices, the consumers should be able to gain maximum value from their digital footprint.
Having a policy strategy specifically drawn out for big data would define the regulatory and contractual aspects of each type of data which would enlarge the scope of data use.
Electronic Medical Records are becoming more widespread in India, but with a lack of medical data law, or a general data protection law, highly sensitive information is up for the taking.
Chances are that youve seen people posting pictures of themselves in 2009 and 2019. Harmless fun, or another way for people to learn from your personal data?
Although the collection of visitor information is nothing new, digitizing and automatically storing it with the police will open up new avenues of surveillance with no oversight.