Books and Publishing

The author has faced backlash after a reviewer said the moral of her book Troubled Blood is to never trust a man in a dress.
The director and accused child sexual abuser's memoir had been dropped by its previous publisher after widespread backlash.
Employees of the publisher walked out on Thursday to protest the company's deal with the director.
The director allegedly sexually abused his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow when she was 7 years old.
Novelist Paulo Coelho told AP he's deleting the draft of the book he wrote with Bryant "because it didnt make any sense to publish without him" and it wouldnt add anything relevant to him or his family."
While many books, films and TV shows look at singleness as a temporary state of being, a handful of Indian novels explore the lives of women who are not wives, girlfriends or mothers.
Rio Mayor Marcelo Crivella battles in court to ban Avengers comic book.
The 12 books will be published from 2021 onwards under the Hamish Hamilton imprint of Penguin Random House.
Women writers often expose the dangers lurking in their most intimate spaces. Their plots are often light on gunplay and heavy on emotional violence.
The author of the steamy romances "Scruples" and "Princess Daisy" sold more than 85 million books worldwide.