childrens books

Bringing up children in a polarised world can be a challenge. These fun, thoughtful books could help.
From Ahimsa by Supriya Kelkar to Being Gandhi by Paro Anand, here are 8 books children will both enjoy and learn from.
Children can be introduced to the ideas of inclusion, empathy and diversity early on through these fun books that celebrate disability without being judgmental, discriminatory or overly sympathetic.
I like to capture the first steps of freedom, at each stage of a childs life, in my stories, Mala Kumar writes.
Childrens and YA books give kids (and grown-ups) the tools they need to navigate the complexities of modern life.
Bringing up a feminist son is as important as raising a feminist daughter, so I looked for books that challenge gender stereotypes, especially those featuring sensitive boys.
These books portray many aspects of the LGBTQ experience for kids as young as 3.
She also wrote the hugely loved Mog books, about a family and their cat.
A mechanical engineer by education, Ashok Rajagopalan's 'Gajapati Kulapati' is a rage with children.