conspiracy theory

Social media platforms are sucking a generation into a misinformation rabbit hole.
Facebook software engineer Ashok Chandwaney has publicly quit, accusing the company of violating its core values and of "profiting off hate."
Has the 90s TV presenter been leading a double life?
"Q is you. And Q is me. Q is logic. Q is a plan to save the world."
Here's what makes COVID-19 pandemic myths so easy to trust and who is more likely to believe them.
How the billionaire philanthropist displaced George Soros as the chief bogeyman of the right.
Despite promises from tech executives, potentially dangerous misinformation is flourishing on major online platforms.
From bioweapon conspiracy theories to fake news stories about school infections, psychologists explain what's behind the spread of disinformation during a crisis.
Talk of a conspiracy is likely overblown but the real number is almost certainly higher.
Charles Payne joked that the Canadian Broadcasting Co. must have had "Trump derangement syndrome" in 2014 when it cut the future president from the film.