hate speech

Mark Luckie deposed in front of Delhi Assemblys Committee on Peace and Harmony that is probing Facebook's role in the Delhi riots.
Facebook software engineer Ashok Chandwaney has publicly quit, accusing the company of violating its core values and of "profiting off hate."
The plea also sought an FIR against Parvesh Verma who had said Shaheen Bagh protesters will rape and kill your sisters.
Everything you need to know about the controversy triggered by the news report that said Facebook ignored hate speech made by BJP leaders.
A growing movement has brands reevaluating their relationship with the social media platform.
Its for the first time since 2004 that USCIRF has recommended India be designated a 'country of particular concern' for engaging in or tolerating systematic, ongoing, egregious violations of religious freedom.
This is the first time since 2004 that USCIRF has recommended India as a Country of Particular Concern.
We see the disproportionate effects on certain communities, the rise of hate speech, the targeting of vulnerable groups, and the risks of heavy-handed security responses undermining the health response, Guterres said.
For years, the IAS officer-turned-activist has taken the lead in helping victims of communal violence and hate crimes.
The top court said the matters pertaining to the riots will be listed before the Chief Justice of Delhi High Court on Friday, while the SC will hear the matter concerning the alleged speech by Mander.