Jair Bolsonaro

To millions, it seems the choice isn't about Donald Trump or Joe Biden but the survival of U.S. democracy -- and what that means for their nations.
Brazil's democracy may not be strong enough to withstand the onslaught it's facing from a far-right president hellbent on bending every institution to his will.
The virus he has sloughed off has killed more than 65,000 Brazilians. And even after he tested positive, Bolsonaro treated it as no big deal.
The far-right leader has spent months downplaying the severity of COVID-19 even as cases surge in Brazil.
A judge ruled that Bolsonaro would have to pay a $387 fine each day he continued to go maskless
Far-right President Jair Bolsonaros denial and incompetence have led to a predictable surge in cases.
Last week, Health Minister Nelson Teich resigned, becoming the second top health official to leave the post since the pandemic began.
Amid calls for impeachment and allegations of corruption, Jair Bolsonaro is banking on his most radical supporters to save his presidency.
Amid calls for impeachment and allegations of corruption, Jair Bolsonaro is banking on his most radical supporters to save his presidency.
Indigenous tribes are appealing to the U.N. to help stop deforestation and raids on tribal lands, which have both increased under President Jair Bolsonaro.