John Oliver

The "Last Week Tonight" host sums up all the ways Trump has failed during the coronavirus pandemic.
The comedian also found that the Modi episode had not aired in India and had some choice words for Hotstars self censorship.
One hand washing video by a Vietnamese dancer was so good, UNICEF shared it.
Comedy Central Indias Facebook page posted a seemingly self-censored clip from 'The Daily Show with Trevor Noah' on Tuesday night.
The president's trip to India has been beset by pronunciation struggles.
The "Last Week Tonight" host takes a break to rant about one smartphone feature that bugs him.
The "Last Week Tonight" host says there's really no comparison on a key trait.
The "Last Week Tonight" host confirmed speculation about a promo photo of the cast.
The "Last Week Tonight" comedian roasted the president for being palsy-walsy with "murderous autocrats" after a fresh sexual misconduct allegation.
His heart-stopping "Last Week Tonight" report should come with a defibrillator but that could be defective, too.