reading list

Agatha Christie, Susanna Clarke, Madhuri Vijay, Orhan Pamuk this list has everything youll need to embrace sweater weather.
Bombay Balcho, Girl in White Cotton, The Far Field and a bunch of other enjoyable books to end the year with.
Terrarium by Urvashi Bahuguna, Love Without a Story by Arundhati Subramaniam and other gems helped me.
Social Creature, Those Pricey Thakur Girls, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day and other great choices to get you back into the reading game.
Margaret Atwood's newest book is barely out and we're already excited about who'll win the Booker, Nobel, JCB and DSC this year.
Perumal Murugan, Manoranjan Byapari, Madhuri Vijay and Mirza Waheed are among the 15 contenders for the $25,000 Prize. The winner will be announced on 16 December 2019.
From The Collection to Mouthful of Birds, here's your go-to list for this #WITMonth. Featuring Meena Kandasamy, Jokha Alharthi and more.
The youngest woman ever elected to the US Congress has some supercool reading recommendations.