
National security officials held a last-minute press conference to warn about foreign interference in the 2020 election.
Shashi Tharoor, Prashant Bhushan and Meena Kandasamy have reacted to Amnesty's announcement.
Alexei Navalny remained hospitalized in Germany after being poisoned with a Soviet-era nerve agent, a lab determined. The Kremlin has denied involvement.
The high-profile critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin was flown to Germany on Aug. 22 after falling ill from a suspected poisoning.
Results from the small trial provide evidence of both antibody and T-cell responses.
Having a vaccine and proving it is safe and effective are two different things, warned the nations top infectious disease expert.
Indias rejection of the Belt and Road may have triggered the Doklam standoff in 2017, says Bruno Macaes, author of 'Belt and Road: A Chinese World Order'.
The group of nations agreed to cut 9.7 million barrels a day beginning May 1 in hopes of boosting crashing oil prices amid the pandemic, officials said.
The worlds biggest oil exporter is attempting to punish Russia, the worlds second-largest producer, for not supporting the production cuts proposed by OPEC.
"They have said very blatantly, very clearly, that they intend to be accomplices for misleading the American people, with money from God knows where."